Launch of the WHO–Cambodia CCS (2016-2020)

Remarks of Dr Shin Young-soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

10 June 2016

Your Excellency Minister Dr Mam Bunheng, 

Senior officials and colleagues of the Ministry of Health,
Ladies and gentlemen;

Good afternoon. I am pleased to be with you all today for the joint launch of the WHO-Cambodia Country Cooperation Strategy for 2016–2020.

This strategy, or CCS, provides the strategic vision for WHO and Cambodia's work together for the next five years. It is a renewal of the CCS 2009–2015. This CCS is again aligned to Cambodia's national health plan. The foundation for this CCS is the Third Health Strategic Plan of Cambodia, or HSP3, launched by the Prime Minister in March 2016.

We have benefited greatly from an open and comprehensive HSP3 development process. This process paved the way for us to start discussion early on how to re-prioritize our new CCS.

This CCS is different from the previous one in two ways: for the first time we have defined WHO’s outcomes and their targets in the CCS, as a contribution to national health outcomes. These WHO outcomes are bold and aspirational, and reaffirm our shared commitment to support the priorities and goals of the Government of Cambodia.

Second, the four strategic priorities in the CCS are well-aligned with the new Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. In addition to the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals, we are committed to strengthen our support in new areas such as noncommunicable diseases.

In working towards the goal of universal health coverage, we will pay special attention to equity in access to quality care and increased social health protection.

We will also focus on health security and multisectoral collaboration. The new SDGs require all of us to shift our ways of working. We will have to work beyond borders, beyond sectors and beyond traditional stakeholders.

For the challenging yet exciting five years ahead, I trust that this CCS will guide us in joint collaboration and commitment to improve the health and well-being of people of Cambodia.

Thank you.