Certification of China as malaria-free

Remarks by Dr Takeshi Kasai, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific

2 July 2021

*Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)

Thank you very much, Kim.

I am delighted to be here – and I really mean that! – because at a time where the world is still in the middle of responding to COVID-19, it really is wonderful to be able to celebrate such a good news story.

This is a great day for public health. The elimination of malaria in China is a historic achievement – for China, for our Region, and for the world.

It is remarkable to think that, 70 years ago, China reported 30 million cases of malaria every year. This year, that number is zero. This is extraordinary. 

It is no small feat to eliminate a disease which for decades caused a great deal of suffering and death, particularly among some of the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations.

I would like to express my sincere congratulations – to the Government of China, as well as to the health workers and many other partners whose work over several decades has contributed to this very significant achievement.

China’s example shows that with high-level commitment and the right mix of strategies, a malaria-free future is possible.

There is so much to learn from China’s experience and innovations. For instance, the “1-3-7” approach to surveillance and response – report within 1 day, confirm within 3 days, and ensure the appropriate public health response to prevent further transmission is in place within 7 days – provided clear benchmarks for action, as well as a great model for other countries.

The discovery of artemisinin by Nobel-prize winning scientist Professor Tu Youyou was a game-changer for malaria elimination efforts everywhere.

And China’s example shows that no single action or actor can achieve success like this alone. This achievement was only possible through decades-long commitment and sustained, comprehensive action to strengthening national and sub-national health systems. 

We still have countries in our Region fighting malaria. Some have been making impressive progress particularly against drug-resistant malaria, despite the challenges of COVID-19. I hope to see these countries achieve the same malaria free status as China in the near future. 

The work towards a malaria-free region and malaria-free world does not end today, but it is wonderful to be here together with colleagues from China and elsewhere to celebrate this milestone achievement.

Thank you very much.