Forum on Law and COVID-19: Strengthening Legal Preparedness and Response for the Future

3 – 4 November 2021

The Forum on COVID-19 and Law will bring together partners and experts at a regional and country level to share experiences and lessons identified, and discuss priorities for strengthening legal preparedness and response. 

Held virtually over two days on 3-4 November 2021, the forum will consist of a small number of introductory presentations followed by focused expert panel discussions on specific themes, and be made available to the public via live stream.

Law has been critical to the COVID-19 response. Countries’ legal preparedness has been an important factor in combating the spread and impact of COVID-19, authorising capacities to detect and respond to risks and ensuring that the response is coordinated, includes the whole-of-society, promotes equity, and respects rights and freedoms. Legal preparedness includes a country’s existing laws and regulations, as well as its capacity to activate and implement those effectively across sectors and jurisdictions, and to make necessary changes based on sound policy and experience.

The scale of the COVID-19 pandemic and the risks to public health it presents tested the capacity of domestic legal frameworks for health in the region. The pandemic highlighted critical weaknesses in the public health and health emergency laws and legal capacities of several countries in the Region, often rooted in rudimentary and outdated laws, that hampered response efforts and present an ongoing risk to their populations and that of the region. In addition, it underlined the impact of other legal frameworks on health emergency preparedness and response, including health laws, such as those underpinning the health system and access to health services, and those beyond health, such as those influencing overall governance, public financial management, and social and economic conditions. There is a need to capture the lessons identified from COVID-19 and consider opportunities to strengthen countries’ legal preparedness beyond COVID-19. It is important such efforts are well-targeted and sustainable, having regard to domestic capacity, broader health priorities, and political feasibility. The implications for global governance of health emergencies are expected to be discussed at a special session of the World Health Assembly in November 2021. 

The Forum is being hosted by the University of Melbourne, building on their collaboration with the Regional Office for the Western Pacific on the legal dimensions of COVID-19, and leveraging their substantial experience hosting virtual events and expertise in health law in Asia and the Pacific.


Day 1 (8:45am to 1:00pm, Manila time)

Session 1 (9:00am): Opening and setting the scene

Session 2 (9:45am): Role of public health and health emergency laws during COVID-19 and opportunities for strengthening

Session 3 (11:30am): Use of digital technologies in the COVID-19 response

Day 2 (9:00am to 1:00pm, Manila time)

Session 4 (9:00am): Engaging the whole of the health system in the COVID-19 response to meet surging demand

Session 5 (10:45am): Building and mobilising legal capacity for the COVID-19 response and for legal preparedness beyond COVID-19

Session 6 (12:30pm): Wrapping up, and where to from here

To join

The Forum will be streamed live by the University of Melbourne:  Please indicate your interest in the Forum here to receive updates, or write to us at