

WHO governance takes place through the World Health Assembly, which is the Organization's supreme decision-making body. It meets annually and is attended by delegations from all 194 Member States.

The Executive Board gives effect to the decisions and policies of the World Health Assembly. The Organization is headed by the Director-General, who is appointed by the World Health Assembly on the nomination of the Executive Board.

WHO regional committees meet each year to set policy and approve budgets and programmes of work for each of the six WHO regions. The Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, comprised of representatives from 37 countries and areas, is WHO’s governing body in the Region. 

Dr Saia Ma’u Piukala is the Regional Director for the Western Pacific. He was nominated for this role by the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific in October 2023, appointed by the WHO Executive Board in January 2024 and took office on 1 February 2024.

Regional Committee

WHO regional committees meet each year to set policy and approve budgets and programmes of work for each of the six WHO regions. The Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, comprised of representatives from 37 Member States and areas as well as Associate Members, is WHO’s governing body in the Region. It meets every year to formulate policies, provide oversight for regional programmes, and consider, revise and endorse new initiatives. Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab is the Acting Regional Director for the Western Pacific. A new Regional Director will be nominated by the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific in October 2023, appointed by the WHO Executive Board in January 2024 and take office on 1 February 2024.

Seventy-fourth session of the Regional Committee

Seventy-fourth session of the Regional Committee