National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: toolkit

National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: toolkit

Our physical and social environments are major influences on how we experience ageing and the opportunities it brings. Creating age-friendly environments enables all people to age well in a place that is right for them, continue to develop personally, be included, and contribute to their communities while enabling their independence and health.

Developing age-friendly cities and communities is a proven way to create more age-friendly environments – for everyone. Age-friendly cities and communities improve access to key services and enable people to be and do what they value.

To accelerate the development of age-friendly environments, WHO provides practical support for every country to develop a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities. This hub will be continuously updated with tools and resources to help every country embark on or sustain their age-friendly journeys.

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Start here: your guide to national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities


The WHO guide to developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities is supported by a continuously updated toolkit to help you put the guide to action. Whether you are looking to sustain a national programme on age-friendly cities and communities or to advocate for such a programme, we are here to support you on your age-friendly journey.

You can access the individual components of the toolkit on this hub, or request for a link to download the toolkit as a full package. To download the toolkit package, please tell us a little bit about yourself and what you aim to do using the button below. We will use the information to tailor our support to best meet your needs.

Core resources

First page of the document 'Key steps for developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities.'

This document summarizes the key steps to consider while creating or strengthening a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities (AFCC)....

The first slide in the slide deck for national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities.

This slide deck and presentation supports the WHO publication National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities: a guide by providing a...

Social media tiles (click to download)

Animation on what age-friendly environments enable all people to do
Animation on the eight domains of age-friendly cities and communities
Infographic on how national programmes accelerate the development of age-friendly cities and communities
How to take action on national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities


Learn from success stories from around the world

A quote from Stephanie Firestone on the benefits of having a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities.
A quote from the International Federation on Ageing on the benefits of national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities.
A quote from Age Friendly Ireland on the benefits of having a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities in Ireland.

Quote from the Francophone Network of Age-friendly Cities on the benefits of a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities.
Quote from the Spanish Network of Age-friendly Cities on the benefits of a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities.
Quote from the Government of New Zealand on the benefits of a national programme for age-friendly cities and communities.

Supporting documents

Global age-friendly cities: a guide

Population ageing and urbanization are two global trends that together comprise major forces shaping the 21st century. At the same time as cities are growing,...

The Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities

The environments in our cities and communities are critical for supporting and maintaining health in older age. The WHO Global Network for Age-friendly...

Most COVID-19 related deaths in the Region of the Americas have occurred in people aged 70 years and over. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further...

Age-friendly environments in Europe: indicators, monitoring and assessments

Policies to create more age-friendly environments have become a forceful movement in Europe and globally, in which a growing number of cities and communities,...

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