WHO Collaborating Centres for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Updated 29 March 2023



USA: Ref. No: USA-407

College of Pharmacy

University of Illinois at Chicago

Website: http://www.uic.edu

Peru: Ref. No: PER-10

Gerencia de Medicina Complementaria, Gerencia Central de Prestaciones de Salud

Seguro Social de Salud del Peru

Website: http://www.essalud.gob.pe/medicina-complementaria-contacto/


Italy: Ref. No: ITA-73

Centre of Research in Medical Bioclimatology

Biotechnologies & Natural Medicine State University of Milan

Website: http://www.femteconline.net


Norway: Ref. No: NOR-20

National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The Arctic University of Norway

N-9037 Troms                    

Website: http://www.nafkam.no


United Kingdom: Ref. No: UNK-295

Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Website: http://www.uclh.nhs.uk/rlhim

South-East Asia

India: Ref. No: IND-117

Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda

Gujarat Ayurved University, Guru Govind Hospital Road, Opp. GG Hospital                   

Website: http://www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in


India: Ref. No: IND-118

Department of Yoga Therapy and Training

Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga

Website: http://www.yogamdniy.nic.in 


Thailand:   Ref. No: THA-83

Center of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, 

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University

Website: http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/th/department/thaimed/  


Democratic Republic of Korea: Ref. No: KDR-6

Academy of Koryo Traditional Medicine Science

Western Pacific

China: Ref. No: CHN-30

WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine

Academy of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Modern Medicine

Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University

Website: http://www.shmu.edu.cn


China: Ref. No: CHN-32

Institute of Acupuncture & Moxibustion

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Website: http://www.acuworld.ac.cn


China: Ref. No: CHN-33

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Website: http://www.shutcm.edu.cn


China: Ref. No: CHN-34

Institute of Chinese Materia Medica

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Website: http://www.icmm.ac.cn


Republic of Korea: Ref. No: KOR-111

National Institute for Korean Medicine Development

Website: https://nikom.or.kr/engnikom/index.do


China: Ref. No: CHN-35

Institute of Clinical Research & Information

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Website: http://www.catcm.ac.cn/


China: Ref. No: CHN-36

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

Website: http://www.njucm.edu.cn


China: Ref. No: CHN-44

WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine

Institute of Medicinal Plant Development 

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Website: http://www.implad.ac.cn/


China: Ref. No: CHN-115

Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office

Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR

Website: http://www.cmd.gov.hk


China: Ref. No: CHN-131

Health Bureau, Macao SAR 

Estrada do Visconde de S. Januario 3002

Website: http://www.ssm.gov.mo


China: Ref. No: CHN-139

Institute for Control of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ethnic Medicine 

National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 

Website: https://www.nifdc.org.cn/nifdc/gjhz/whozhyhzzx/index.html

Japan: Ref. No: JPN-46

Oriental Medicine Research Centre

Kitasato University

Website: http://www.kitasato-u.ac.jp/toui-ken/english/


Japan: Ref. No: JPN-54

Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine

Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama

Website: http://www.med.u-toyama.ac.jp/wakan/index.html


Malaysia: Ref. No: MAA-19

Traditional and Complementary Medicine Division

Ministry of Health Malaysia

Website: http://tcm.moh.gov.my/en/


Republic of Korea: Ref. No: KOR-17

East-West Medical Research Institute

Kyung Hee University

Website: http://www.kewmri.re.kr


Republic of Korea: Ref. No: KOR-89

Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine

Website: http://www.kiom.re.kr


Viet Nam: Ref. No: VTN-4

National Hospital of Traditional Medicine

Website: http://www.nhtm.gov.vn

Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine

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