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ASEAN One Health Networking event

19 June 2024
Jakarta, Indonesia

The launching of the ASEAN One Health Network and ASEAN One Health Joint Plan of Action was conducted on 19th June 2024, in a hybrid mode in Jakarta.

The regional events were hosted by the ASEAN Secretariat and Health Cluster 2 in coordination with Ministry of Health Indonesia. The objectives of the event were to launch ASEAN One Health Network and the ASEAN OH-JPA and to conduct Webinar Series and Policy Briefs on Public Health Emergency based on the priority topics focusing on One Health approach. WHO SEARO as a coordinator of the Asia Pacific Quadripartite One Health Secretariat presented ASEAN-Quadripartite Collaboration for One Health and WOAH briefed on One Health joint Plan of Action (OHJPA) on the behalf of the Quadripartite.

There were panel discussions to better understand One Health challenges including integrating environment into One Health. The need of guidance on selection and use of One Health operational tool was highlighted by ASEAN Member states which was addressed through infographics and guidance document shared by WHO SEARO.

It was an opportunity for networking among ASEAN Member states, international donors and partners committed to support ASEAN One Health initiative. Representatives from FAO, UNEP, WHO, WOAH, SEAOHUN, DFAT, GIZ, UKHSA, UKFCDO and World Bank were present. The UKFCDO is committed to provide funding to the Asia Pacific Quadripartite Secretariat to support ASEAN OHJPA initiative.