Snapshot: Greater Horn of Africa food insecurity and health - grade 3 emergency: 31 March2024


The GHoA region accounts for close to 22% of the global humanitarian caseload in 2024. It is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. The historic four-year drought that hit East Africa caused massive suffering. Over the past few months El Nino has exacerbated needs bringing torrential rains and exceptional floods in the same Horn, while bringing more drought to the west of the region, mainly in northern Ethiopia and Sudan. The increase in deadly climate-related disasters together with conflict has driven large displacements and extremely high levels of hunger. 45.9 million people are facing high level of food insecurity (IPC3+) with escalating hunger levels in Sudan, northern Ethiopia and South Sudan. 10.8 million children under the age of five years are estimated to be facing acute malnutrition by June 2024 and this is expected to worsen during the lean season. The surge in disease outbreaks including cholera, malaria, measles, rift valley fever, yellow fever, polio and anthrax can be directly linked to extreme climate events and conflict, with severe impact on illness and loss of life. Forecasted wetter than normal conditions during the Mar-May24 rainfall season raise concerns about further increased risk of water-borne and vector-borne diseases outbreaks, particularly in flood-prone areas.

WHO Team
WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)