Wheelchair Service Training Package - Intermediate level


It is estimated that more than 70 million people worldwide require wheelchairs, yet only 5-15% of people have access. To address this, WHO has developed a series of Wheelchair Service Training Packages. The Wheelchair Service Training Package – Intermediate Level (WSTPi) is the second in the series and its purpose is to support the training of personnel to provide an appropriate manual wheelchair and cushion for children and adults who need additional postural support to sit upright. Personnel are expected to have taken WSTPb training and gained some clinical experience in the provision of basic wheelchairs prior to completing the WSTPi training.

How to use the materials

The package contains a trainer’s manual, participant reference manual, and workbook, as well as supporting forms and checklists, posters, and presentations. There is also a series of training videos that can be downloaded or accessed on YouTube. The materials may be adapted for local contexts, but following the lessons in sequential order is recommended respecting the timing allotted for each session. 


Link to the Reference Manual

Chinese | English | French | Japanese Korean | Romanian | Spanish

Link to the Trainer's Manual

Chinese | English | French | Japanese Romanian | Spanish

Link to the Participants Workbook

Chinese | English | French | Japanese Romanian | Spanish

Link to the Posters

English | French | Japanese Spanish

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WHO Team
Access to Assistive Technology and Medical Devices (ATM), Access to Medicines and Health Products (MHP), Assistive Technology (ATA)
World Health Organization
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789241505765
WHO Reference Number: WHO/NMH/VIP/DAR/13.0 (Poster)
All rights reserved.