Curriculum guide to support the operationalization of Refugee and Migrant Health: Global Competency Standards for Health Workers


This Curriculum Guide accompanies the Refugee and Migrant Health: Global Competency Standards for Health Workers and the Knowledge Guide to support the operationalization of the Standards. The Curriculum Guide provides guidance for institutions, health organizations and individuals engaged in the education and training of health practitioners and health administrators to support incorporation of the knowledge, skills and attitudes set out in the Knowledge Guide into curricula and for assessment of the achievement of the relevant learning outcomes and Competency Standards.

The Curriculum Guide provides a flexible template for designing curricula that can be integrated into pre-service training or used for targeted, modular in-service training. It sets out considerations and options to deliver and assess competency-based learning outcomes of health workers that are relevant at all stages of their learning development. Each competency is operationalized through learning outcomes that can be used for pre-service health worker training, health workers at early vocational stages and experienced practising health workers. 


World Health Organization
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789240040939