WHO / Diego Rodriguez
Illustration about Social Determinants of Health in India.
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Promoting urban governance for health and wellbeing Mayors’ meeting

4 May 2021 15:00 – 16:00 UTC Time


WHO is working with five cities around the world in promoting health and wellbeing through civic engagement in Bogota (Colombia), Mexico City (Mexico), Khulna City (Bangladesh), Douala (Cameroon) and Tunis (Tunisia). Following a rapid situation analysis, cities have identified areas of concerns, including: 1) informal settlements 2) basic public services; and 3) social cohesion in cities.

Mayors of these five cities have committed to tackle these priorities by enhancing current mechanisms for participatory urban governance for health and wellbeing through multisectoral collaboration and community engagement and promoting social innovations and dialogues at local levels.

This project will provide a key contribution to WHO’s efforts to scale up technical and policy advice to Member States and city leaders to strengthen urban health.

WHO will hold this first virtual meeting of the Mayors of the participating cities with the main goal to facilitate the exchange between the Mayors and WHO Director-General. The specific key objectives are to:

  • Establish a high-level political platform for dialogue between the project’s city Mayors and WHO
  • Share a brief introduction on the various city contexts and opportunities for the Urban Governance for Health and Wellbeing project.


  • Welcoming address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO
  • Achieving the target of One billion people living healthier lives: Global Implementation Framework for Healthier Populations by Dr Naoko Yamamoto, Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage/ Healthier Populations, WHO Headquarters
  • Urban Governance and Civic Engagement for health: the contribution of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC by Enrichetta Placella, Deputy Head Global Program Health, Swiss Development Cooperation
  • Panel discussion of Mayors: Local leadership promoting health and wellbeing moderated by Dr Susan Mercado
  • Moving forward by Dr Rüdiger Krech, Director, Department of Health Promotion, WHO Headquarters