5th European Laboratory Initiative (‎ELI)‎ on TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis Core Group meeting

Copenhagen, Denmark, 14–15 November 2019


The Fifth European Laboratory Initiative (‎ELI)‎ meeting was conducted by ELI and its Secretariat at the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, Denmark on 14–15 November 2019. The meeting brought ELI Core Group Members, ELI Advisers, international experts, WHO consultants and WHO Technical Officers together in order to strengthen TB, HIV and viral hepatitis laboratory diagnostics, testing and monitoring capacity. The most recent developments in these fields were covered during expert presentations followed by extensive discussions. Panel discussions, roundtable discussions were conducted on innovative technologies for TB, HIV and viral hepatitis, accelerating political will for integration of diagnostic services, effective cooperation between clinicians and laboratory specialists to accelerate integration of disease response, and integrated use of next generation sequencing for the three diseases. The Core Group and advisers made suggestions for ELI future directions and next steps.


WHO Team
European Laboratory Initiative, Joint Infectious Diseases Unit (JID)
World Health Oranization. Regional Office for Europe.
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO/EURO:2020-5617-45382-64941