PASS to End TB

PASS to End TB

The European Prevention and Systematic Screening Initiative to End TB

WHO Ukraine
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The European Prevention and Systematic Screening Initiative to End TB, or PASS to End TB, aims to create a strong network of support to help the WHO European Region reach its goal of eliminating tuberculosis (TB) by 2030.


Latest findings show that the European Region needs to step up efforts to fight TB. As it stands, the current situation is not good enough to reach the goal of eliminating TB by 2030.

New tools and approaches are available, and the situation in the Region, including recovering from the pandemic and responding to humanitarian crises requires a flexible approach. To address this, WHO created the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region, 2023–2030 with ambitious goals for countries in the Region to reach by 2030. Mathematical models show that systematic TB screening and preventive treatment are the highest impact interventions for slowing the disease. TB prevention and systematic screening (PASS) are essential for achieving the goals of both the Action Plan and the End TB Strategy by 2030. Countries are asking WHO for more technical support in these areas of intervention.

This initiative, run by WHO’s European Region and global TB programmes, is part of the joint United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and WHO project “Regional Platform to End TB in Eastern Europe”. It focuses on:

  1. expanding TB preventive treatment for vulnerable populations;
  2. strengthening infection prevention and control measures; and
  3. improving systematic screening for active TB cases in vulnerable populations.

More about this initiative

The role of PASS secretariat is performed by WHO.

The secretariat supports countries with temporary advisors (lead expert and operational specialist) through implementation cycles. These advisors receive training to provide quality technical support.

Countries appoint focal points for TB preventive treatment, infection prevention and control, and systematic screening, with either combined or separated roles and responsibilities.

Focal points and advisors work together on these issues, also helping with diagnosis and treatment, striving to achieve equity for vulnerable populations. This collaboration extends to health system building blocks like governance, financing, medicines, workforce and information. Civil society and affected communities are also involved.
