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Das idealisierte Auswanderer-Paradies – und seine Schattenseiten

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This image captures the picturesque neighborhood of Alfama in Lisbon, Portugal, as seen from the Miradouro de Santa Luzia viewpoint. The photo showcases the unique architecture and colorful buildings that make up this historic district, which dates back to the medieval period. The narrow streets, tiled roofs, and hillside location create a beautiful and charming atmosphere that is distinctly Portuguese. This image captures the picturesque neighborhood of Alfama in Lisbon, Portugal, as seen from the Miradouro de Santa Luzia viewpoint. The photo showcases the unique architecture and colorful buildings that make up this historic district, which dates back to the medieval period. The narrow streets, tiled roofs, and hillside location create a beautiful and charming atmosphere that is distinctly Portuguese.
Der Traum vieler Deutscher: ein Leben in Lissabon
Quelle: AlexandraR/Moment RF/Getty Images
Portugal gilt in Deutschland als beliebtes Auswanderungsziel. Doch was ist dran an dem Hype? Die Steuern sind niedrig und die Arbeitsgesetze freundlich, was das Land vor allem bei digitalen Nomaden beliebt macht. Aber Portugal hat für Expats auch einige Nachteile – gerade für die deutschen.

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