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Die Lego-Therapie

28.02.2012., Copenhagen - One of the largest Lego store in Copenhagen, is a place where adults and children can have a fun. Lego is a Danish producer of children's toys, whose headquarters is located in the Danish town of Billund. The name Lego is a combination of Danish words Leg and Godt, which means a nice play. At the beginning Lego produced wooden toys, but in the last 40 years they use only plastic cubes. Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL 28.02.2012., Copenhagen - One of the largest Lego store in Copenhagen, is a place where adults and children can have a fun. Lego is a Danish producer of children's toys, whose headquarters is located in the Danish town of Billund. The name Lego is a combination of Danish words Leg and Godt, which means a nice play. At the beginning Lego produced wooden toys, but in the last 40 years they use only plastic cubes. Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL
Nur nicht den Kopf verlieren im Lego-Store
Quelle: picture alliance / PIXSELL
Lego kommt aus einem dänischen Städtchen. Aus Kindern macht es angeblich Superhirne, noch interessanter ist, was es mit Erwachsenen, sogenannten AFOLs, macht. Insbesondere Männer sind betroffen – zumal in Deutschland. Der Grund? Eine Ur-Erfahrung.

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