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Erster Demjanjuk-Prozess

„Genug Gericht gehalten“, schrie der Zeuge, „hängt ihn auf!“

Am 25. April 1988 wurde der gebürtige Ukrainer Iwan „John“ Demjanjuk in Jerusalem schuldig gesprochen, als „Iwan der Schreckliche“ im Vernichtungslager Treblinka gewütet zu haben. Fünf Jahre später folgte der Freispruch, denn die Anklage war falsch.
Leitender Redakteur Geschichte
epa03149008 A photograph released on 17 March 2012 shows John Demjanjuk, accused of war crimes against humanity, as he sits in the dock of Israel's supreme court in Jerusalem on while being sentenced on 25 April 1988. Demjanjuk, who died at the age of 91 in an elderly home in Germany on 17 March 2012, was brought to Israel from the United States and was tried on counts of crimes against humanity for his role of being the notorious 'Ivan the Terrible,' a guard at the Treblinka death camp in Poland, where he was found guilty and sentenced to death but later new evidence exonerated him and he was freed. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER ++ epa03149008 A photograph released on 17 March 2012 shows John Demjanjuk, accused of war crimes against humanity, as he sits in the dock of Israel's supreme court in Jerusalem on while being sentenced on 25 April 1988. Demjanjuk, who died at the age of 91 in an elderly home in Germany on 17 March 2012, was brought to Israel from the United States and was tried on counts of crimes against humanity for his role of being the notorious 'Ivan the Terrible,' a guard at the Treblinka death camp in Poland, where he was found guilty and sentenced to death but later new evidence exonerated him and he was freed. EPA/JIM HOLLANDER ++
John Demjanjuk bei der Urteilsverkünding in erster Instanz am 25. April 1988
Quelle: picture alliance / dpa

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