WATT | Agrifood & Pet Food Markets

Your trusted partner for over 100 years

Accelerate business growth in global agrifood & pet food markets

Discover WATT’s unique range of online and offline multi-channel media and event marketing opportunities to connect you with your target audience.



WATTPoultry brands provide you with a connection to over 99,000 industry decision-makers, covering 92% of the world’s leading poultry companies.


With Feed Strategy, Feed & Grain and Feed Mill of the Future, reach over 78,700 professionals representing the world’s top feed companies across dairy, pig and poultry species, and covering the supply chain from grain storage to formulation.

Pet Food

Tap into the most extensive and verified global audience of 80,000 professionals through the largest portfolio of marketing solutions in the pet food and pet treat manufacturing industry.




Look forward
to seeing you.

Extensive Global reach

Breakthrough industry communication barriers and reach a network of qualified agrifood and pet food buyers around the world. WATT Global Media offers the most extensive global audience and a powerful portfolio of marketing solutions – all designed to get your message directly in front of the decision-makers you seek.

WATT Poultry USA
WATT Poultry International
Poultry Trends
Poultry International China
Petfood Industry
Feed & Grain
Feed Strategy
Egg Industry
Feed Mill of the Future Conference
Feed Strategy Events
Poultry Tech Summit
Petfood Forum Europe
Petfood Forum Asia
Poultry Future Events
Petfood Forum
Petfood Essentials
International Poultry Forum China
Feed Strategy Seminar
Chicken Marketing Summit
WATT Poultry Update
Poultry Future
Petfood Industry News
Feed & Grain Product Watch
Feed & Grain Industry Watch News
Feed Strategy eNews
Egg Industry Insight
WATT Poultry
Petfood Industry