A weak border threatens us all, not just border states


A weak border threatens us all, not just border states
A weak border threatens us all, not just border states
Refugees Immigration
FILE – People line up against a border wall as they wait to apply for asylum after crossing the border from Mexico. Tuesday, July 11, 2023, near Yuma, Arizona. As the number of migrants coming to the U.S.’s southern border is climbing, the Biden administration aims to admit more refugees from Latin America and the Caribbean over the next year. The White House Friday, Sept. 29, released the targets for how many refugees it aims to admit over the next fiscal year starting October 1 and from what regions of the world.

It turns out a porous
threatens more than just the residents of southwestern border states.

The Cape Cod region of
had an illegal immigrant arrested and removed from state-provided immigrant housing on Oct. 27, Immigration and Customs Enforcement


The illegal immigrant who was living on Joint Base Cape Cod in Bourne, Massachusetts, was convicted of homicide in Venezuela and failed to disclose this conviction to U.S. Border Patrol agents when apprehended for illegally entering the country in Eagle Pass, Texas, over the summer.

The news is scary but unsurprising. It’s also a reminder of how the border crisis threatens us all, regardless of where we live in America.

Eagle Pass is over 2,200 miles from Bourne, Massachusetts, a community far closer to the northern border than the southern one. Yet a killer who got into the country because the Biden administration failed to stop him, despite the man entering the country illegally, made it to New England, where he threatened public safety.

It was not a freak incident, either. The Northeast, including Massachusetts, has had other incidents like this recently.

ICE also
a Brazilian illegal immigrant from Quincy, Massachusetts, in April 2023. The man was a fugitive who had been convicted of homicide in December 2018 in Brazil, where he faced about 20 years of prison time.

One month prior, Quincy had a similar incident. ICE
a fugitive convicted of murder in Brazil in September 2021. Like the other illegal immigrants, she attempted to escape justice by coming to the United States. Thankfully, neither Bourne nor Quincy is a sanctuary city, unlike other Massachusetts communities, making it easier to rid the country of these people.

From Dec. 29, 2022, to March 1, 2023, Boston ICE arrested or removed five people wanted for murder in other countries,
according to Boston 25

Not everyone coming to the U.S. illegally merely wants to pick fruit under the table for a subminimum wage. While that’s
bad for our working poor
and leads to a lot of
wage theft
, some people come here for more nefarious reasons.

These murderers and fugitives in one Northeastern state do not even include fentanyl and heroin dealers, sex offenders, pedophiles, human traffickers, and other criminals entering the country.


Our country can prevent crimes committed by illegal immigrants with rap sheets by bolstering the country’s border security, not allowing these people in, and deporting them as quickly as possible.

How many times do incidents like these have to happen in states throughout the country, including those nowhere near the southern border, before the Biden administration takes border security seriously? Rich politicians living in gated communities may not face the threat these weak borders pose. If only working-class people were as fortunate as them.

Tom Joyce (
) is a political reporter for the 
New Boston Post in Massachusetts.

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