Et tu, Democrats? Then falls Biden


Supporters of President Joe Biden are a treacherous bunch. 

For months, they have regularly claimed to champion truth, honesty, and decency. They act and speak as if they are morally and intellectually superior to working-class voters and supporters of former President Donald Trump. They portray themselves as paradigms of truth and virtue while being little more than power-hungry aristocrats. Their overall self-righteousness is reprehensible. And now, they have revealed themselves to be deceitful, untrustworthy backstabbers. 

Remember all the people who regularly said how great a president Biden was and raved about his competence and cognitive abilities? Well, they were all lying to you. From talk show hosts to politicians to pundits to social media influencers, the people who praised how great Biden was before the debate circled over Biden’s political carcass like vultures after it. 

It was such a powerful act of swift political backstabbing, sans violence, that it arguably (with slight exaggeration) rivaled what Brutus did to Julius Caesar at the Curia Pompeia.

Et tu, Democrats.

People (esteemed, highly regarded, well-educated people) who for years told the public that Biden was a competent president and vehemently criticized and condemned anyone who suggested otherwise now are admitting what Republicans have said for years about Biden. 

After the presidential debate between Biden and Trump, they showed themselves to be the phonies and frauds they truly are. 

The list is long.

Former congressman and current MSNBC sanctimonious ranter Joe Scarborough called for Biden to step down. He spent weeks, months, and years defending Biden. He regularly bragged on his show about Biden’s superiority over Trump. It took a 90-minute debate for Scarborough to call for a political mutiny. 

Et tu, Joe.

Horror novelist Stephen King was another ardent Biden backer who regularly posted on social media about his support for the president. His allegiance to Biden was so strong that King’s X account could arguably be considered an extension of the Biden campaign’s propaganda machine — that is, until after the debate with Trump. 

Et tu, Stephen.

Consider political commentator Bill Kristol. Like many Democrats, he preached how Biden was the superior candidate and the better option for months. Rarely, if ever, did he mention anything about Biden’s age or that it was a deterrent to Biden’s political objectives. He routinely characterized him as a decent guy who tells the truth — conveniently omitting the hundreds, if not thousands, of lies Biden has said. He portrayed Biden as a respectable man, a solid candidate, and a good president.

It was all a lie.

After the debate, however, he called for Biden to step down. His words are indicative of his character and speak volumes about his credibility.

“Well, no, I’ll still vote for Biden if I — if that’s the choice against Trump in November. But he shouldn’t be the nominee,” Kristol said on ABC’s This Week.

“You can’t look at that debate. You can’t unsee what we’ve seen,” Kristol said. “And it was not just a bad debate. He — you know, he’s older. He has a health problem. I’m going to put it that way. And I’m sympathetic to him. He’s been a good president. We owe him a lot for what he did in 2020 in defeating Donald Trump, and we owe him a lot for being a good president for three-and-a-half years. We don’t owe him another four years in the White House. And he should step aside and the Democratic — all of his delegates can have a nice debate among themselves and people can run and they can select a better nominee.”

Et tu, Bill.

Joe Walsh was another one. He has regularly railed against Trump and used the radical left-wing fanatical claim of Trump being a “threat to democracy.” Like Kristol, Walsh is also a so-called former Republican. He repeatedly said that Biden was competent, cognizant, and superior to Trump. It didn’t even take the entire debate for Walsh to flip. Then, after the debate concluded, Walsh made numerous posts on his X account calling for Biden to be replaced.

At 9:26 p.m., Walsh first sounded the alarm.

“Biden looks and sounds terrible. He looks and sounds so old. So old,” Walsh said. “So far this is an absolute nightmare for Biden.” 

By 9:53 p.m., Walsh declared that the debate was going so badly that Trump was now “winning the election.”

An hour later, the transformation of Walsh’s Biden was complete. He had fully committed to the idea that Biden had to be replaced. 

“Trump MUST lose,” Walsh posted. “So Democrats MUST go with another nominee. So Joe Biden MUST do the right thing and step aside.”

Et tu, Joe.

With political allies and supporters such as Scarborough, King, Kristol, and Walsh, who needs enemies?


Furthermore, if they lied about Biden’s competence and cognizance for this long, why should anyone trust anything they have to say after this? Given that they engaged in such political deception and manipulation about Biden solely because of their desires and self-interests, people should legitimately wonder about how many other things these people have been lying about.

However, the list doesn’t just stop with those mentioned above. Quite frankly, there were too many to name. All parroted the same message of betrayal: Dump Biden. Their lack of integrity was on full display for all to see. They exposed themselves as deceitful and manipulative foot soldiers who only cared about one thing: power. And just like every political left-winger in history, they showed the people they will stop at nothing to get it.

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