Patriotism, Rand Paul, and the children who are our future


Last week, while the nation’s elected officials were debating foreign aid to Ukraine, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) helped some school children visiting the Capitol to remember the United States. In what could only be described as a spontaneous moment of beaming, unbridled patriotism, Paul, walking between casting a vote in the Senate and back to his office, noticed the rambunctious and enthusiastic group of children

This was a valuable moment because of what it reflected. Many Congressional representatives walked by, but it was only Paul who stopped to talk with the children at that moment and then led them in a chant. Paul greeted the children and said, “How about we get a chant going of U-S-A?”

“No way!” replied one child, showing a glimpse of who would be the future registered Democratic voter of the bunch.

Just a few seconds later, the dissident youth was overruled. The rest of the children and adults who chaperoned them eagerly joined in, proudly and loudly chanting, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”

If it were a Democratic senator, perhaps the chant would have been something like “tax the rich,” or “we love Marx,” or something with climate change, privilege, racism, abortion, or whatever other hyperbolic hysteria, fearmongering, extremist messaging they chose to support that day. 

Admittedly, this chant might not be the most interesting revelation. After all, it’s always joked in contemporary culture how politicians are known for shaking hands and kissing babies. However, getting children to chant “U-S-A” in a spontaneous moment of unbridled patriotism was not part of the “how to be a politician” handbook. Nevertheless, it was sorely needed.

Consider that “proud to be an American” is not as revered as it once was, especially in 2024. Paul’s patriotic display with the school children came when pride in being American hit record lows. The senator from Kentucky showed that all hope is not lost and the kids “can be alright.” We just have to do a better job in making sure they stay that way before they progress through the country’s public school system and are brainwashed by radical left-wing, agenda-driven educators.

A June 2023 Gallup poll found that less than 40% of the country was “extremely proud” to be an American. This troubling trend is particularly prevalent in “18 to 34-year-olds,” with only 18% of this demographic supporting the sentiment of being proud to be an American — an example of the disastrous consequences of the indoctrination referenced above. 

These results arguably stem from the rotten socio-political initiatives implemented into education and the culture by liberals, Democrats, and others on the Left. As the poll above shows, their plan is working. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. However, we must change, and we must change fast because the current way isn’t working.


That is why Paul’s act was ever so important, even as brief as it was. A prominent U.S. senator, at the center of a political fight to save billions of dollars in taxpayer money, could’ve easily walked by the children, and no one would’ve thought anything less of him. However, he still took time out of his busy day to willingly engage school children and lead them in a chant of USA. It was Reagan-esque. 

Paul helped create a memory that will last a lifetime (and one that could potentially fend off the toxic indoctrination children learn in schools). This random act of patriotism was a powerful moment that showed everyone who walked by that hope remains for this country’s future. He demonstrated the kind of patriotism, values, and leadership needed today. We have the tools to save this country; we just need the courage and will to use them. The future of our nation’s children depends on it.

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