


Welcome to the War Widows Association

The War Widows Association of Great Britain is 52 years old and it has continued to grow in strength over that time.

We are primarily a campaigning and pressure group. As part of the UK Military Bereaved Family we want to ensure that war widows and widowers are always treated fairly and receive all the benefits and assistance to which they are entitled.

Anyone who  is unfortunate enough to belong to the UK Military Bereaved Family can become a member of the War Widows Association. See membership categories for more information.

We operate under three pillars: campaigning, caring and remembering and all are very important to us.

Our members enjoy meeting at both national and local events which are organised by the events Trustee and the Regional Organisers.

Our Core Values

The WWA’s work is based on three pillars: Campaigning, Caring and Remembering.


Improving the lives of war widows is our primary aim, and we've been involved in many campaigns over the years to do just that.


We strive to support our members, and provide the connection and care that can sometimes be lacking in the life of a widow.


For most people, remembrance is just one day of the year. As war widows, we remember every day.


Veterans Day Service of Remembrance

Saturday 8 June

Some of our members at the Veterans Day Service of Remembrance in City Square, Dundee today, led by Rev Bob Wightman and attended by the Lord Provost and members of the Scottish Parliament.

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Our magazine, Courage, is published online in our members area three times a year.

For those who have sight problems the magazine is now available in large print or audio format. Please apply to the Secretary at if you would prefer to receive either of these.

If you have an article or photographs that you think would be of interest to other members of the association the editorial team would be very pleased to hear from you. You can contact them at

Please also send them to for inclusion on the website and social media.

Get Involved

Become a Member

If you’re interested in joining the WWA you can sign up as either a full or associate member.

Become a Trustee

Trustees are the guiding force behind our charity. We’re currently looking for new trustees and committee assistants.

Join our Members Area

If you’re already a member of the WWA, you can access our friendly online community.