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Tuesday Evening Weather

16 WAPT Chief Meteorologist David Hartman has the latest most accurate weather forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi

Tuesday Evening Weather

16 WAPT Chief Meteorologist David Hartman has the latest most accurate weather forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi

You can sure feel the difference from this morning to late this afternoon. Less humid air has moved in what *** difference, not having that thick oppressive atmosphere in place. All right. Look at the clouds lifting off to the north remnants of Barrel and we got dry slide, *** good bit of sunshine. Now, some cloud cover is moving through that will move out *** little bit later this evening. But it's *** quick mover now and that front just came through, uh bringing the drier air out ahead of the front. Still oppressive scattered showers and thunderstorms mainly across Alabama. For us. We're looking good over the next couple of days with this drier air in place. We should be pretty much rain free tornado watch for the Ohio Valley. *** couple cells up that way again, there's just enough turning with the circulation of what is left of Beryl that *** weak spin up could be up that way. But for our area, you can see how we've cleared out with the drier air. Not even looking for any pop up storms. Look at that humidity, as I said, the period Wednesday through Friday, very comfortable July weather, the humidity starts to tick up over the weekend and once the humidity does tick back up, those pop up, late day storms will be possible. But until then look at these afternoon temperatures, 88 Vicksburg temperatures did get to near 90 or low nineties in the Jackson area. But now late this afternoon, down to 88 in real field, just in the low nineties, it's amazing what *** difference the drier air makes. So tomorrow lots of sun, high pressure is in control. There might be *** pop up storm or two down towards Louisiana line. Still *** little bit more humid down there. But for most of the channel 16 area, the next several days will be rain free. 70 degrees. Your low tonight, comfortable for July and hot sunshine but low humidity, 92 real feel probably very close to the actual air temperature tomorrow. All right. Looking ahead. Oh boy, hot weather is going to return for next week.
Tuesday Evening Weather

16 WAPT Chief Meteorologist David Hartman has the latest most accurate weather forecast for Jackson and Central Mississippi
