A body has been found in the search for a missing teenager last seen playing in the waves. HM Coastguard made the tragic discovery off New Brighton, Wirral, on Monday, July 8.

According to an update issued today, a Merseyside Police spokesperson said that while formal identification has yet to take place, officers are in contact with the relatives of Daniel Halliday, 14, who went missing from Crosby beach on Sunday, June 30.

It was reported that Daniel and his elder brother were playing in the waves at Crosby beach when a particularly large wave knocked them off their feet. Despite the brave efforts of Daniel's older brother, he was unable to rescue his sibling, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Emergency services were launched at the scene at the time including a large response from fire and rescue service, police, coastguards and RNLI teams. On Monday, July 1, after 15 hours, the coastguard confirmed that the search had been suspended.

Daniel's family, who are receiving support from specially trained officers at Merseyside Police, issued a heartfelt statement on Monday, July 2. They said: "Our worst fear is that this tragic accident has taken our lovely boy from us. Daniel was jumping waves with his big brother who tried to save him but the current was too strong."

"Daniel is a loving son, brother, cousin, nephew and grandson. The family are all devastated, and we hope that we will be allowed our privacy at this time. Thank you."

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