Your Turn: Trooper Pay Change

Published: Jul. 25, 2014 at 2:57 PM CDT

This week's "Your Turn" segment goes to Richard Waller.

Waller is one of many people who took issue with our commentary on the retirement pay change for State Police Superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson. Lawmakers approved the change on a last-minute revision to an unrelated bill.

In Waller's words: What WAFB has not pointed out is that Col. Edmonson has been paying into the retirement system at his current rank for the last seven years and in all likelihood will continue to do so until he retires. He entered the old retirement program, which is no longer in existence at the rank of captain. It is wrong for him to be forced to retire at a rank he hasn't held for the last seven years.

If you want to blame someone, blame the legislator who did this the wrong way instead of the above board way. Don't try to tear down a man, who has distinguished himself in service for the State Police as well as the State of Louisiana.

That's Richard Waller's turn. Now, it's your turn. To comment on this segment or anything else, visit us on Facebook or send an email to