Our Turn: April 8, 2014

Published: Apr. 8, 2014 at 7:55 PM CDT

Congressman Vance McAllister

At this point, let's just concede that a lot of Americans don't really care about the extramarital infidelities of our elected leaders. If we ever did, we've certainly become numb by now. We throw a few of these guys out of office, but we probably re-elect an equal number. So be it. What we should not have to put up with is the hypocrisy of politicians like newly elected Congressman Vance McAllister. McAllister used his wife and family to support his family values campaign and got elected based on his promise "to take those values to Washington defend our Christian way of life." McAllister's sworn in and a month later, two days before Christmas, he's caught on camera exhibiting a different set of values. It's exactly this type of two-faced behavior that makes all of us cynical about our government and the leaders we elect to run it.

We deserve better than this.

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