This page is obsolete as of 15 February 2004. For information about joining a Working Group, please refer to the system for managing W3C groups.

W3CMember SiteOpen book         indicating that this is a Guide page

To join one of the W3C Working Groups, first consult section 6.2.1 of the 18 June 2003 Process Document, which explains the types of participation and requirements to join the group for each type of participant. Member representatives join a Working Group by following the instructions in a Call for Participation, so a Working Group home page should provide easy access to the latest Call for Participation. The Process Document also explains for an Invited Expert the responsibilities of the Chair, Team Contact, and participant.

If you are joining as a Member representative, browse the group home page and read the charter. Note well the expected duration of the group, the amount of time and travel expected, and whether there are any chartered restrictions on the number of participants per W3C Member organization. Be sure you know who is the Advisory Committee representative from your organization (if it's not you ;-). If browsing around doesn't answer all your questions, contact the Chair(s) and/or W3C Team Contact.

If the Call for Participation does not include instructions for where to send email to join the group, send a message � la:

To: wg-chair(s), Team contact 
     cc: cc: your-ac-rep
Subject: Introduction Hello, my name is Your Name and (once my AC rep confirms in reply to this message) I will be representing your W3C Member organization in this Working Group. ...your background, what you have to contribute, what you expect to get out of the group, ... I agree to participate per the charter URI of charter last revised YYYY/MM/DD Your Name
Member Organization
email@address office phone number (optional)

Your AC rep should confirm by replying to you, the Chair(s), and Team contact (no real harm done if they copy the group mailing list, but there's no need to do that).

See also the W3C Patent Policy for additional requirements and obligations incurred upon joining a Working Group.

Dan Connolly
$Id: howto-join-wg.html,v 1.1 2018/01/25 15:45:24 plehegar Exp $