trailer mix

The Joe Schmo Show Reboot Proves Gaslighting Is So in This Year

Warning to all people: Do not go on a reality show right now, unless you are comfortable learning your past few weeks of life have been a hoax and you are the only non–improv artist on the show. Following the success of Jury Duty and on the back of the similar-but-not-quite-the-same The Rehearsal, TBS is bringing back The Joe Schmo Show, in which a contestant competes in a ridiculous reality competition without knowing that … it’s not a competition at all. He’s the only one who isn’t working off a script. It is described by host Cat Deeley in the trailer as “The wildest, most over-the-top unscripted television show ever scripted.” The Joe Schmo Show first ran for two seasons in 2003 and 2004 before being rebooted for the first time in 2013, and now it’s back again. And for all these reboots, the graduates of UCB and Second City thank you, Lord. We don’t yet know when The Joe Schmo Show will premiere, but we do know that we hope the lead guy is in counseling.

Joe Schmo Show Reboot Proves Gaslighting Is So In