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Accelerate your healthcare initiatives with Vonage Communications APIs

Whether you’re looking for the right technology to enable hybrid patient journeys, telemedicine video conferencing, or remote patient monitoring, Vonage Communications APIs can be a part of your healthcare API solution.

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Deliver HIPAA-compliant telemedicine solutions

Vonage enables healthcare organizations to deliver HIPAA-compliant SMS and video solutions to provide more secure communications across patients’ preferred channels.

  • With HIPAA compliance, BAA provisioning, high-security encryption, PCI Service Provider certification, and adherence to regional and sovereign privacy laws, we ensure you can concentrate on what matters most — the patient.

  • Many of Vonage’s products have HITRUST CSF certification, the most widely adopted security framework in the U.S. for the healthcare industry.

  • Vonage is a proud member of the American Telehealth Association, the only organization focused on accelerating the adoption of telehealth — move forward with confidence in a telehealth API solution.


Set up communication touchpoints along the patient journey

Here’s some of the ways you can use Vonage Communications APIs to streamline patient communications:

  • Use the Verify API to safeguard patient access to applications and telehealth portals.

  • Send compliant SMS alerts and social notifications using the Messages API.

  • Use the Video API for telemedicine solutions that enable HIPAA compliance.

  • Embed communications privately into healthcare apps with WebRTC-powered In-App Voice.




“Thanks to Vonage, our users can now complete everything from making appointments to actual online consultations within WELL ROOM, without having to set up external video call tools."

Takumi Shimoda, CEO, WELL ROOM

Illustration of people celebrating.

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We'll get back to you as soon as we can. In the meantime, feel free to explore more about Vonage and how we're making communications more flexible, intelligent, and personal so our customers can stay ahead.