The Delicious Turmeric Tonic That Fights Inflammation and Free Radicals

Photo: Courtesy of Turmeric & Golden Mylk / @wunderworkshop

Say what you will about Pantone’s Color of the Year in terms of design, but in the wellness world, it would be a particularly apt way to chart trends. After a wave of vibrant fuchsia (acai) followed by imperial green (matcha), we’ve found ourselves in the midst of a golden era, thanks to the current fascination with turmeric. Suddenly, the sunny yellow spice is seemingly everywhere. There it is, hanging out at yoga studios (infused into bottled drinks), flooding Instagram feeds (by way of artfully styled turmeric lattes), and slipping into work meetings (as when this writer’s colleague recently revealed her bedtime tonic ritual).

Of course, the fact that turmeric is championed by those at the intersection of food, beauty, and health—including Goop; the wellness journal Nourished; and the vegetable-leaning New York café El Rey, which gamely created the summery recipe below—is hardly surprising. The spice, kin to ginger, is a cornerstone of South Asian cooking and Ayurvedic medicine, and a growing body of research is underscoring its value.

“Turmeric has a very strong anti-inflammatory effect,” says Zhaoping Li, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the division of clinical nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles, whose work as a physician and in the lab centers on extending people’s disease-free years. “Low-grade inflammation”—the body’s under-the-radar response to environmental and dietary stressors—“sets the stage for almost everything we have to fight as we get older,” she explains of her drive to study compounds like curcumin, the key polyphenol in turmeric. Her current work includes an investigation into curcumin’s relationship to the microbiome, as well as a collaboration with the university’s psychology department examining its effects on cognitive function.

Indeed, curcumin appears to fight more than inflammation: Research shows that it also displays antioxidant, anticancer, and neuroprotective activities, according to Barbara Delage, Ph.D., a nutrition scientist at Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute. With the supplement market skyrocketing and the hype machine in motion, she is quick to emphasize that it’s not a golden ticket just yet. Many of the findings are based on animal and in vitro studies, and bioavailability is an issue due to the body’s metabolizing enzymes. The bottom line? “Consuming a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is the best way to ensure you ingest the right mix of phytochemicals.” Fortunately, this homemade tonic—paired with, say, El Rey’s obsessed-over kale salad—will do the trick.

El Rey’s Turmeric Tonic

Historically, turmeric root has been used in elixirs for overall vitality and beauty. When prepared as a tonic, it also makes a refreshing, delicious beverage—not to mention a great midday pick-me-up. Expert tip: It is common to add a teaspoon of coconut oil or ghee (clarified butter, rich in omega-3s) to help activate the natural compounds in the tonic and aid absorption into the body. The amount of turmeric you use in this recipe depends on the strength of tonic you desire, but we say the stronger, the better!

2 T grated fresh turmeric
1 T grated fresh ginger
1 cardamom pod
2 cups water
1/4 cup raw honey
1 T dried chamomile flowers
1 lemon
Sparkling water or coconut water

1. Peel the turmeric and ginger with a vegetable peeler (wear gloves—turmeric root stains!), then grate into a medium saucepot. Crush the cardamom pod to loosen the shell; remove the seeds and add to pot. Add the water, and simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes.

2. While the turmeric mixture is simmering, combine the chamomile flowers and honey in another pot and gently warm to infuse.

3. Strain each mixture with a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth, and set aside to cool. (Both can be refrigerated in airtight glass containers for up to a week.)

4. To make one serving, combine 1/3 cup of the turmeric-ginger elixir, 1/2 tablespoon of the chamomile honey, the juice of half a lemon, and either sparkling or coconut water for ultra hydration!

Sourcing: You can find turmeric root easily at your local Chinese grocery or specialty grocery. Dried chamomile flowers, ghee, and coconut oil are readily available at local health or specialty markets.