Princess Charlotte Is Ready for Her First Day of School

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Princess Charlotte at Kensington Palace before her first day of nursery at the Willcocks Nursery School.Photo: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge / Courtesy of Kensington Palace

This morning, the Cambridge family released two new photographs of Princess Charlotte on her first day of nursery school. Posing on the steps of Kensington Palace, Princess Charlotte wore a red-and-pink outfit: red peacoat, red shoes, red bow, all accented with a pink scarf and red-and-pink backpack. One shot shows her sitting, the other, standing—but both show her flashing a toothy grin.

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Charlotte wearing pink is no surprise: Earlier this year, Kate Middleton let it slip that the hue was her daughter’s favorite color..

But what is more of a surprise? The photograph was taken by royal mom Kate Middleton. The Duchess of Cambridge has taken official portraits of her children before, including Prince George’s nursery school pictures—but his latest school shots were captured by Getty photographer Chris Jackson. And, for a nonprofessional, these new official portraits of Princess Charlotte are quite impressive. Kate Middleton: perfect hair and perfect eye.