Vogue Digital Ad Specs Digital Ad Specs

Standard Banner

AD Size
Condé Nast-hosted File Format
3rd Party Serving
Edge to Edge (1:1)
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 420 x 420px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 840 x 840px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 420 x 420px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 420 x 420px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 420 x 420px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
Hero (M)
320 x 100px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 320 x 100px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 640 x 200px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 320 x 100px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 320 x 100px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 320 x 100px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
300 x 250px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 250px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 600 x 500px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 300 x 250px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 300 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 250px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
Double sky
300 x 600px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 600px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 600 x 1200px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 300 x 600px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 300 x 600px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 600px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
728 x 90px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 728 x 90px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 1456 x 180px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 728 x 90px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 728 x 90px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 728 x 90px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
970 x 250px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 970 x 250px < 200kb
  • HTML5 - [ ZIP ] - 970 x 250px < 200kb
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 970 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 970 x 250px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)

High Impact Format

AD Size
Condé Nast-hosted File Format
3rd Party Serving
Full Screen Responsive Ad (9:16)
  • Image
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] - 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 60mb (15s max.) <60mb (30s max.)
    • Download Template
  • Video+Slider
    • Background image - [ JPG/PNG ] - 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 200kb
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 1280 x 720 < 60mb (15s max.) 60mb (30s max.)
    • Slider image - [ JPG/PNG ] - 640 x 320px < 150kb
    • Download Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no

* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *

Canvas Video
Edge to Edge
  • Video
    • Desktop - [ MP4 ] - 1920 x 1080 < 60mb
    • Mobile - [ MP4 ] - 420 x 420px < 2.2mb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no

* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *

1280 x 720px
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG ] 1280 x 720px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
CondéNast or DFP approved rich media vendors only (VAST/VPAID Not supported)

Native Ads

Condé Nast-hosted File Format
Native Ads
  • Images - [ JPG/PNG ] - 600x600 (1:1) , 1280x720 (16:9) , 640x480 (4:3) < 200kb, All sizes are requried.
  • Title - 90 characters max. Primary headline text.
  • Body - 90 characters max. Secondary body text e.g., article description.
  • Advertiser Name - 25 characters max. Text that identifies the advertiser name.
  • Advertiser Logo - [ JPG/PNG ] Aspect Ratio 1:1 Small icon image with square aspect ratio.
  • Call to Action - 15 characters max. Text that encourages user to take action e.g., 立即探索
  • Click-through URL (required) - URL

O&O In-stream Video Ad

File Format
Non-skippable Video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • VPAID (Desktop only)
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Raw Assets file include .mp4 (h.264) / .mov / .m3u8 / webm
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • Duration: 6 sec / 15 sec / 30 sec
  • Audio Bitrate 96 kbps (suggested)**
  • Frame Rate 29.97 fps (suggested)***
  • VAST / VPAID : RTMP protocols are not supported and must be removed from the tag
  • VAST / VPAID : Volume should be normalized to -23 dBFS.
  • VAST / VPAID : Audio must be user initiated, cannot autoplay sound
Skippable Video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • VPAID (Desktop only)
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Raw Assets file include .mp4 (h.264) / .mov / .m3u8 / webm
  • Duration: max. 30 sec (recommended) / Any video over 30 sec needs special approval*
  • Display a skip button after 5 seconds, by default
  • Audio Bitrate 96 kbps (suggested)**
  • Frame Rate 29.97 fps (suggested)***
  • VAST / VPAID : RTMP protocols are not supported and must be removed from the tag
  • VAST / VPAID : Volume should be normalized to -23 dBFS.
  • VAST / VPAID : Audio must be user initiated, cannot autoplay sound


* Content under 8 minutes must have preroll be limited to 30s duration, therefore a max of 30s is recommended.

** 96 kbps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with an audio bitrate higher or slightly lower than 96 kbps. This is fine, so long as the total file size does not exceed 10MB and the video sounds fine during preview.

*** 29.97 fps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with a frame rate less than 29.97. This is fine. IAB standards allow anywhere between 23.97fps - 30 fps.

Youtube Ad

File Format
Non-skippable Video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Max ad duration 15s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O
Skippable video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Min ad duration 12s
  • Max ad duration 60s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O
Bumper Video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Ad duration 6s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted

* To run a 100% SOV YouTube sponsorship correctly, ALL the following ad formats are required

  • Non-Skippable Video
  • Skippable Video
  • Bumper Video
  • Companion Ad : 300x60 Display banner (must be in the video VAST tag if serving 3rd party)


Edge to Edge (1:1)
Mobile only
In the first ad position on webpage by default, also allowed in all mid-content positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 420 x 420px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 840 x 840px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 420 x 420px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 420 x 420px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 420 x 420px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Hero (M)

Hero (M)_mobile
320 x 100px
Mobile only
In the first ad position on webpage by default, also allowed in all mid-content positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 320 x 100px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 640 x 200px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 320 x 100px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 320 x 100px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 320 x 100px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.



300 x 250px
In all mid-contnet and rail positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 250px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 600 x 500px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 300 x 250px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 300 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 250px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Double sky

Double sky_Mobile

Double sky_Desktop
300 x 600px
In all mid-contnet and rail positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 300 x 600px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 600 x 1200px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 300 x 600px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 300 x 600px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 300 x 600px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.



728 x 90px
Desktop & Tablet only
In all hero and mid-contnet positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 728 x 90px (for @1x) < 200kbrequired
    • 1456 x 180px (for @2x) < 200kboptional
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 728 x 90px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 728 x 90px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Video - Backup Image - [ JPG ] 728 x 90px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


970 x 250px
Desktop only
In all hero and mid-contnet positions
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image - [ JPG/PNG/GIF ]
    • 970 x 250px < 200kb
  • HTML5
    • [ ZIP ] - 970 x 250px < 200kb
    • HTML5 Guidelines
    • Video Ads are not supported
    • Annimation - 3 loops max and/or 30 seconds
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 970 x 250px < 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
    • Backup Image - [ JPG ] 970 x 250px < 200kb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


Interscroller(Image/Video)_mobile PSD Template

Interscroller(Video+Slider)_mobile PSD Template
Full Screen Responsive Ad (9:16)
Mobile only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image
  • Video
    • Video - [ MP4 ] -768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 60mb (15s max.) < 60mb (30s max.)
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
    • Download Template
  • Video+Slider
    • Background image - [ JPG/PNG ] - 768 x 1230px Safe area 640 x 880px < 200kb
    • Slider image - [ JPG/PNG ] - 640 x 320px < 150kb
    • Video - [ MP4 ] 1280 x 720 < 60mb (15s max.) <60mb (30s max.)
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
    • Download Template
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Canvas Video

Canvas Video_Mobile

Canvas Video_Desktop
Edge to Edge
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Video
    • Desktop - [ MP4 ] - 1920 x 1080 < 60mb
    • Mobile - [ MP4 ] - 420 x 420px < 2.2mb
    • Autoplay on mobile devices is not supported on older devices
    • Sound must be user-initiated
    • Video duration - recommended: 15s, max: 30s
    • Infinite loop
    • Expansion allowed: no
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
* Additional charges will be applied to Interscroller (20%). *
3rd Party Serving
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.


1280 x 720px
Desktop only
Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Image [ JPG/PNG ]
    • 1280 x 720px < 200kb
  • Single impression pixel accepted: yes
  • Click tracker accepted: yes
  • Secondary pixels supported: no
* All files subject to pixel quality approval *
3rd Party Serving
Yes (VAST/VPAID Not supported)
3rd Party Load
  • Initial File load: 200kb (mobile: 40kb) with a maximum load of 15 files
  • Host-initiated sub-load: 1mb (mobile: 300kb)
  • Video User-initiated load: 1.5mb (15s max.) 2.2mb (30s max.)
3rd Party Tag
  • Pixels accepted for impression and viewability tracking
  • Condé Nast does not allow the use of data collection pixels
  • Blocking tags and retargeting/ remarketing cookies are not accepted across the Condé Nast portfolio
  • Ad safety monitoring requirements must be declared at time of booking
  • Tags must be live throughout the duration of the campaign
  • Frequency capping should be discussed at time of booking
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

Native Ads


Homepage Promo


Condé Nast-hosted
File requirements
  • Images - [ JPG/PNG ] - 600x600 (1:1) , 1280x720 (16:9) , 640x480 (4:3) < 200kb, All sizes are requried.
  • Title - 90 characters max. Primary headline text.
  • Body - 90 characters max. Secondary body text e.g., article description.
  • Advertiser Name - 25 characters max. Text that identifies the advertiser name.
  • Advertiser Logo - [ JPG/PNG ] Aspect Ratio 1:1 Small icon image with square aspect ratio.
  • Call to Action - 15 characters max. Text that encourages user to take action e.g., 立即探索
  • Click-through URL (required) - URL
Asset Deadline
Assets must be received 3-5 working days in advance of the campaign start-date to allow for full set-up and testing.

O&O In-stream Non-skippable Video

O&O In-stream Non-skippable_Mobile

O&O In-stream Non-skippable_Desktop
File Format
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • VPAID (Desktop only)
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Raw Assets file include .mp4 (h.264) / .mov / .m3u8 / webm
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • Duration: 6 sec / 15 sec / 30 sec
  • Audio Bitrate 96 kbps (suggested)*
  • Frame Rate 29.97 fps (suggested)**
  • VAST / VPAID : RTMP protocols are not supported and must be removed from the tag
  • VAST / VPAID : Volume should be normalized to -23 dBFS.
  • VAST / VPAID : Audio must be user initiated, cannot autoplay sound

* 96 kbps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with an audio bitrate higher or slightly lower than 96 kbps. This is fine, so long as the total file size does not exceed 10MB and the video sounds fine during preview.

** 29.97 fps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with a frame rate less than 29.97. This is fine. IAB standards allow anywhere between 23.97fps - 30 fps.

O&O In-stream Skippable Video

O&O In-stream skippable_Mobile

O&O In-stream skippable_Desktop
File Format
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • VPAID (Desktop only)
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Raw Assets file include .mp4 (h.264) / .mov / .m3u8 / webm
  • Duration: max. 30 sec (recommended) / Any video over 30 sec needs special approval*
  • Display a skip button after 5 seconds, by default
  • Audio Bitrate 96 kbps (suggested)**
  • Frame Rate 29.97 fps (suggested)***
  • VAST / VPAID : RTMP protocols are not supported and must be removed from the tag
  • VAST / VPAID : Volume should be normalized to -23 dBFS.
  • VAST / VPAID : Audio must be user initiated, cannot autoplay sound

* Content under 8 minutes must have preroll be limited to 30s duration, therefore a max of 30s is recommended.

** 96 kbps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with an audio bitrate higher or slightly lower than 96 kbps. This is fine, so long as the total file size does not exceed 10MB and the video sounds fine during preview.

*** 29.97 fps is suggested for best performance with our player; However, you will often see files with a frame rate less than 29.97. This is fine. IAB standards allow anywhere between 23.97fps - 30 fps.

Youtube Non-skippable Video

Non-skippable Video
Max duration of 15s without options to skip ad, Non-skippable allows you to reach users with your entire message
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Max ad duration 15s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O

Youtube Skippable Video

Skippable Video
Max duration of 60s with “Skip Ad” button at 5s, the user may skip the ad or continue watching
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Min ad duration 12s
  • Max ad duration 60s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O

Youtube Bumper Video

Bumper Video
6-second, non-skippable in-stream ad designed to drive awareness and reach
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted
  • Size 16:9 (1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080)
  • Ad duration 6s
  • Pre, Mid, and Post-Rolls
  • File Size max. 10 MB
  • Total Bitrate min. 1,000 kbps / max. 7,000 kbps
  • 3p tracking via ADH
  • VAST Tags must have only one ad duration
  • 300x60 Companion banner (optional) Not guaranteed to deliver and only available on YouTube, not on O&O

Youtube Sponsorships

Non-Skippable Video

Skippable Video

Bumper Video

In-Video Overlay

Companion Banner
100% Share of Voice (SOV) takeover of all the channel/video
  • Raw Assets (Site-Served MP4)
  • VAST (2.0, 3.0)
  • YouTube hosted

* To run a 100% SOV YouTube sponsorship correctly, ALL the following ad formats are required

  • Non-Skippable Video
  • Skippable Video
  • Bumper Video
  • Companion Ad : 300x60 Display banner (must be in the video VAST tag if serving 3rd party)