I Drink A Ginger Shot Every Morning – Here Are All The Benefits

Image may contain Face Head Person Photography Portrait Happy Smile Adult Body Part Neck Finger Hand and Skin
Sarah Maingot

As a beauty editor, I’ve tried pretty much every morning routine you can think of. While few have stood the test of time, there’s one that I do swear by: a daily ginger shot. Originally, I only used the little immune booster when I felt a cold coming on, but now, the humble ginger shot has found a permanent place in my morning routine. In fact, I’m so impressed by the results that I think it should be an addition to everyone’s day – up there with lemon water, apple cider vinegar and adaptogenic fungi.

There multiple benefits to consuming ginger – especially if you do it every day. “Ginger looks so inconspicuous from the outside, but it hides a wide range of medically effective ingredients inside,” explains Dr Roman Huber, head of the University Center for Naturopathy in Freiburg. “It’s a remedy that is often used in naturopathy.”

The benefits of taking a ginger shot every day

Food cravings and midday lows are common side-effects of unbalanced blood sugar – and we all know how unpleasant those can be. Ginger works to stabilise insulin: it supports glucose uptake into cells and increases insulin. (This property is currently being investigated as a therapeutic approach for patients with type 2 diabetes.) Controlling blood sugar spikes and crashes is important – not only for managing our weight but because it helps us to maintain a consistent energy level, feel less tired, and stay positive.

Ginger boosts the immune system

In Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has long been used as a remedy. Today, ready-made ginger shots in the supermarket attract people with promises of “immune boosting”. Rightly so: ginger is rich in iron, magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, zinc, and antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and stimulates blood circulation in the mucous membranes, which helps the respiratory system to flush out toxins. All of this adds up to supporting the immune system in a big way.

Ginger aids digestion

Ginger helps speed food through the GI tract, promotes stomach emptying, protects the gut microbiome, and can even help reduce bloating and gas. It can also help to ease nausea.

A ginger shot a day…

After reading up on all of these benefits myself, I stocked up on ginger shots from my local cold-pressed juice shop and started my test: a ginger shot every day for a whole month.

On the first morning, I noticed I felt refreshed and awake right away after my shot. It did burn a bit going down – but that’s to be expected. Plus, after a week, I began to love the intensity of its morning kick. I also felt more energetic and more awake – both mentally and physically. My usual afternoon cravings for something sweet also decreased.

Since that month-long trial, I’ve kept it up. My energy levels have significantly increased, and I feel more productive because I can concentrate better and am less easily irritated. (It’s amazing how a low mood can be caused by low energy and sugar spikes!) Of course, having a stronger immune system also feels pretty good – I didn’t develop even a hint of a scratchy throat last month, despite the fact that I was sitting next to a colleague battling a nasty cold. Of course, I know this improved immunity won’t last forever, and there are certain illnesses even the mighty ginger root cannot prevent. But overall, I’ve found that it’s a really helpful immune booster, especially during flu and cold season.

How to get the full benefits of ginger shots

Though a little ginger is better than no ginger at all, it’s definitely best to consume ginger consistently. Studies show that the benefits of eating ginger daily include reduced cholesterol levels and balanced insulin, so try to drink your ginger shot every day to reap the full effects. And, of course, continue your other positive habits for maximum health: getting sufficient exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting sufficient sleep.

Can you make ginger shots at home?

Keep in mind that there are significant differences in quality when it comes to the ready-made versions of ginger shots. Look for cold-pressed, unheated ginger shots – these will have the most intact vitamins and nutrients. And make sure your ginger shot does not contain added sugar or glucose-spiking juices like orange or apple. Do your due diligence and check the label.

Better still, make your own ginger shots at home by simply blending fresh ginger root in a high-powered blender. If you go that route, try adding a squeeze of fresh lemon, a dash of cayenne, and a bit of Manuka honey for an extra immune boost.