“The turning point of comet Lovejoy: comet C/2014 Q2 at perihelion” – online observing session (30 jan. 2015)

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After a great show over the last weeks, on 30 Jan. 2015, comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy will reach its minimum distance from the Sun, the so-called perihelion. Then, it will start its journey back to the deep, cold outer Solar System.

At Virtual Telescope we want to celebrate with all of you the perihelion of such a wonderful comet: we will show it live, online, so that you can see it via the web, from the comfort of your home. All this for free.

We will admire comet Lovejoy in real-time on 30 Jan. 2015, starting at 19:00 UT.

To join, you just need to enter, at the date and time above, our webTV page here!

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