Daily Archive: August 26, 2012

“Walking on the Moon”- GAM2011

“Walking on the Moon”- GAM2011

[hana-flv-player video=”http://virtualtelescope.bellatrixobservatory.org/wotm2011.flv” width=”350″ height=”” description=”Walking on the Moon – GAM2011″ player=”4″ /] “Walking on the Moon”, online event, 12 April 2011   Back to “Podcast” page   Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please,...

“Stars for All” – GAM2011

“Stars for All” – GAM2011

[hana-flv-player video=”http://virtualtelescope.bellatrixobservatory.org/starsforall2011.flv” width=”350″ height=”” description=”Stars for All – GAM2011″ player=”4″ /] “Stars for All!”, online event, 9 April 2011   Back to “Podcast” page   Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and...

“Eclissi parziale di Sole 4/1/2011” – TG1

“Eclissi parziale di Sole 4/1/2011” – TG1

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/tg1_4gen2010.flv”] Rai Uno, TG1, 4 Gennaio 2011   Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at...

“Velocità della luce” – Cose dell’altro Geo

“Velocità della luce” – Cose dell’altro Geo

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/geo13dic200.flv” width=”320″] Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 13 Dicembre 2010   Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011...

“Stella Polare e dintorni” – Cose dell’altro Geo

“Stella Polare e dintorni” – Cose dell’altro Geo

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/geo_14nov2010.flv” width=”320″] Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 14 Novembre 2010   Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011...

“Pianeti e Mercurio” – “Cose dell’altro Geo”

“Pianeti e Mercurio” – “Cose dell’altro Geo”

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/geo_1nov2010.flv” width=”640″] Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 1 Novembre 2010   Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011...

“Everybody’s Universe” – Adnkronos

“Everybody’s Universe” – Adnkronos

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/everybodysu_adnkronos.flv”] Adnkronos, “Rotocalco”, 12 Marzo 2010   Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at the...

“Gianluca Masi e Inquinamento Luminoso” – RaiTre

“Gianluca Masi e Inquinamento Luminoso” – RaiTre

[fvplayer src=”https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/video/geo26gen2009.flv”] Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at the time of its fly-by and much more, specifically...

Supernova SN 2011dh in Messier 51

On 31 may 2011, several observers discovered SN 2011dh in Messier 51, the well-known “Whirlpool” galaxy. It was the third object of this kind found in this galaxy since 1994. A few days later,...