Employment and Education

At Venture House, we believe that work is rehabilitative. However, most people who experience a serious mental illness are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 25. These are key years for accessing education and developing work skills. Our Education and Employment programs aim to reduce barriers and support members in their vocational pursuits.

Transitional Employment:

Transitional Employment (TE) is a structured employment program that allows members to gain the skills and confidence necessary to sustain a paying job by working for one of our partner employers. Job placements are part-time with on-the-job training and off-site support from Clubhouse staff and other members.

Transitional placements are paid positions that generally last from six to nine months, at which point members may try another placement, return to school, or move on to Independent Employment.

Supported Employment:

Through an informal working relationship with employers, Venture House walks alongside working members and provides them with the support they need throughout their individual employment endeavors. These placements and supports are not time-limited. Venture House provides both on and off-site supports to assist members in obtaining and maintaining entry-level employment.

Independent Employment:

For members who are ready to find and acquire their own job, but still benefit from ongoing support and encouragement from the Clubhouse, we offer supports for Independent Employment. These supports may include: career preparation, assistance with applications, resume building, interview skills, and offsite/ peer supports.

Supported Education:

For members who would like to continue their education—whether pursuing a GED, college degree, or certificate program—the Clubhouse provides guidance and support. Often, the most difficult part about returning to school is getting started. We’re here to bridge that gap.

In addition, the Clubhouse offers tutoring, venues for peer support, assistance with accessing accommodations, and a cadre of cheerleaders to help everyone reach their potential. Venture House offers scholarships for members pursuing vocational education through a grant from the Sydney Baer Foundation.