
Every Person Has a Purpose.

Right now more than 257,400 households in Central Indiana are living in, or one emergency away from, poverty.

Inequity continues to grow. Prosperity is too dependent on where you live, the color of your skin, the quality of your education, or the wealth you’ve inherited.

We’ve got work to do.

Our purpose is to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our partners to help our neighbors in crisis, pave the way for families to succeed, and stop generational poverty in its tracks.

We cannot do this work alone.

Because every person has a purpose. We hope you find your purpose here.

Make a gift. Change a life.

Here’s how we bring people and organizations together to solve our community’s toughest challenges:

Advocacy & Public Policy
We build, lead and support coalitions advocating for public policies at the local, state and federal level. 

Data & Research
We research and use data to pinpoint our community’s needs, listen to voices, prioritize investments and report outcomes.

Capacity & Engagement
We equip nonprofit partners with the resources, training and technology to optimize their impact.

Grantmaking & Community Investments
We invest in partner nonprofits to help them do what they do best – serving individuals and families in need. 

Initiatives & Programs
We implement programs in direct response to community needs and opportunities. 

Thought Leadership & Convening
We convene funders and collaborate with direct service providers to pilot and scale interventions to distance people from poverty.