UTSU Student Aid Program (SAP)

The Student Aid Program offers bursary programs that students can apply to using a secure Google form. You can also access the form by using the embed below.

The Student Aid Program was first expanded during the Spring 2020 SAP Referendum, which asked students to give $1.00 per semester for the use of the program. This was the first of three referenda, with the following two being conducted during the Spring 2021 and 2022 elections, that would ask students to contribute one additional dollar per semester for the purposes of funding the Student Aid Program. Each referendum received approval by the members, and as of Spring 2023, UTSU members now contribute $3.00 each per semester to fund the Student Aid Program.

All UTSU members in financial need are encouraged to apply. Please ensure your information is correct and has included all necessary details when you submit your application. You must have contributed to this fee in order to receive support from the fund; please check your ACORN invoice if you are uncertain.

Applications for the Student Aid Bursary during this winter term will be available until March 3rd at 11:59pm

*If you are looking to apply to Mental Health Support Fund, click here.*

Student Aid Applications are now closed for Winter 2024.

To ensure that the application process is easy and accessible for all, students will only need to apply for one bursary (the Student Aid Bursary) which will grant them up to $500 to use on any of the following categories below:

  1. The Book and Academic Supplies category reimburses students for some of the costs associated with buying books or other academic supplies such as laptops or notebooks during the academic year.
  2. The Exam Deferral Fees category reimburses students for some of the costs associated with deferring a fall or spring exam during the academic year.
  3. The Academic Conferences and Pursuits category assists students with the financial costs of expanding their academic experiences (e.g., attending a conference).
  4. The Health and Wellness category provides financial support to students planning who need additional help covering the costs of seeing a therapist or paying for prescription drugs. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate that they are already using the UTSU’s Health and Dental Plan, or another form of coverage.
  5. The Accessibility Needs category is meant to help students with accessibility needs get through university smoothly.
  6. The Transit category is built for commuter students to help them pay for the cost of a PRESTO card.
  7. The Emergencies category is available to students who find themselves in sudden financial need, whether that be an inability to pay rent, needing groceries or sudden loss of income.
  8. The Other University Fees and Transaction category is meant to assist students with the costs associated with microtransactions such as TopHat or WileyPlus.
  9. The Professional Faculty Mandatory Placements category is designed to alleviate the financial burden that health-related professional faculty students face while completing their work experience requirements by providing them access to funds.


  1. Fill out the SAP application above.
  2. Before you submit, be sure that you:
    a. Wrote a General Statement that is consistent with the rest of your application
    b. Selected all the categories you will be using the $500 for
    c. Provided all the necessary proof required (see top of the Google form)
    d. Added your full name, U of T email, student number and correct banking information

  3.  1 week after the deadline, your application will be reviewed by the Student Aid Committee.
  4. Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an email regarding our decision.
  5. If your application is accepted, wait 1-2 weeks for your money to be deposited in your account!


After an application is processed, and after an applicant receives their funding by direct deposit, the UTSU destroys all their sensitive personal information, including their financial information, student number and general statement.

The Student Aid Program receives a large number of applications each term. For that reason, committee members must prioritize students that are faced with urgent and unexpected situations. If your application is rejected, we apologize and encourage you to apply again next term.

To be eligible for the Student Aid Program you must be an undergraduate student and have paid your incidental fees on Acorn. If you are not sure if you are eligible or not you can check your invoice on acorn and see if you have the “UTSU Student Aid Prog Fund ” incidental fee.

The proof required for your application is determined by the Universal and Category-Specific Criteria. They can be found at the top of your Student Aid Application form. If you are still not sure what to include please feel free to email the VP Operations & Finance.