Mental Health & Wellness

We know that students face many barriers in accessing mental health supports. Long wait times, documentation requirements, and lack of anonymity are just a few. During exam times and dark winters, your mental health may suffer even more. That’s why the UTSU works with the University of Toronto to make students more aware of supports offered by U of T, and offers its own services like Listening Peers, a peer support program, and UTSU’s Got You, a program that provides free snacks and destressing activities during exam season. 

See below for current supports and organizations we recommend, and feel free to contact us regarding how we can improve and expand these resources.

PEARS Project

Access free, confidential, survivor-centric peer support at the Student Commons. See what the PEARS Project has to offer.

Empower Me

Access free, virtual mental health and wellness supports, 24/7, 365. See what Empower Me has to offer.

Peer Support Service

The UTSU, in partnership with U of T Health & Wellness, will resume the Peer Support Service in October 2024. Check back for more details!

Mental Health Directory

See other organizations and service groups at U of T and nearby that offer support