Meetings & Minutes

All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the members. Check out this calendar below to see when the committees of the UTSU are meeting. A full list of the UTSU’s committees, including the contact information for each chair, can be found by visiting our Board Structure & Committees page. Please contact the chair of a committee if you wish to be granted speaking rights, or if you wish to bring something forward at a committee meeting.

Please note that certain committees meet in closed session and are not generally open to viewing by the members. These rules also apply when the Board or any committee votes to move a meeting “in-camera,” thereby only permitting members of the UTSU Board of Directors to remain in attendance.

Annual General Meetings

Minutes from each of the UTSU’s annual general meetings, as well as other general meetings of the membership, are included in the drop-down list below.

Annual general meetings are held each year to approve the UTSU’s financial statements, appoint auditors, provide students with an opportunity to directly engage with their representatives, and confirm amendments made to the UTSU’s Bylaws and Elections Procedure Code. For any questions pertaining to annual meetings, please contact the Vice President Operations at

Board of Directors Meeting Packages

The Board of Directors meets monthly to vote on resolutions and decisions made by its committees. Meeting packages are distributed to the Board in advance of the meetings to educate and prepare the Board on the votes they will be expected to make. The packages include the minutes from the previous meeting, minutes from each of its committees, and reports from each executive.

Board meetings are open to the UTSU membership, and the packages are posted publicly on this page to help make the governance of the UTSU as accessible to its members as possible. For any questions or concerns pertaining to the meetings or general operations of the Board of Directors, please contact the Vice President Operations at

Please note that if you are searching for the minutes of a particular monthly meeting, you will need to access the meeting package for the monthly meeting that took place after the meeting you are searching for.

Current Term (2024-2025)

Meeting packages for Board of Directors meetings from this active term.

Click Here

Previous Terms

Meeting packages for all Board of Directors meetings prior to May 2024.