UTSU General Meetings


The 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place on 19 November 2023 at 6:00pm.

Register for the 2023 UTSU Annual General Meeting. The AGM is a great opportunity to make your voice heard within the UTSU. It will include reports from UTSU executives, bylaw amendments, financial reports, and a question and answer period. You must register in advance with the RSVP form to confirm membership and voting rights.

The AGM will take place online on November 19th at 6:00pm, and the RSVP form will be open until November 18th at midnight. See you there!

Click here to register

For any questions about the business to be conducted at a general meeting, please email the Vice-President Operations at vpoperations@utsu.ca.


The 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place on November 19th 2023 at 6:00pm.

This event is hosted exclusively for the purposes of UTSU members. As such, only members of the UTSU are able to attend and participate in this event. Members of the UTSU include:

  • Full-time undergraduate students at the St. George Campus
  • Toronto School of Theology students
  • Transitional Year Program students
  • Other students who have paid the UTSU fee

If you are not sure if you are a UTSU member, please check your ACORN statement and search for a fee titled Incid. Stud.Soc.: UTSU UofT Students’ Union. For the 2023-2024 session, the UTSU membership fee is $22.33.

Attendance exceptions are made for appropriate guests and members of the press.

For meetings held electronically, the video conference link to access the meeting will be provided on this page. For meetings held in-person, those interested must attend the meeting in order to participate, unless a hybrid option has been prepared.

It is no longer possible to proxy votes at general meetings as of October 30th 2022. Only members present may cast a vote.

The UTSU’s general meetings are analogous to general meetings (see Wikipedia Annual General Meeting) hosted by other organizations around the world. The meeting sees both informative and directive items of business concerning the past, present, and future work of the UTSU.

In particular, the Annual General Meeting is a general meeting in which the UTSU conducts regular business that requires approval by the members, and any bylaw amendments or other special business as needed.

Informative items of business open the doors of the UTSU; they are meant to give assurance to stakeholders that the organization is doing worthwhile work and that it is doing it to an adequate standard. Directive items of business, on the other hand, put the UTSU on a designated path. Directive items come in the form of resolutions. Once passed, resolutions bind the organization to a specific course of action. The purpose of business in this category is, in circumstances of limited scope, to compel that the organization to act in the interests of its stakeholders.

The items of business that come to UTSU general meetings from year to year vary. Some items are mandated for consideration at every annual general meeting; these are categorized as ordinary business. All other items are distinguished as special business.

Every item of business to be considered at a general meeting is enumerated on the agenda. Those items which warrant further information and/or documentation will have supporting materials included in the meeting package.

For any questions about upcoming general meetings, email the Vice-President Operations at vpoperations@utsu.ca.

The meeting package for the 2023 Spring General Meeting is available at the following URL: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B6ZPyBhLM2ONSrxUqeQ5GQzEeJzHHeNf?usp=sharing

Live transcription will be provided for online meetings conducted via Zoom.

If you have any requests, inquiries, or concerns related to the accessibility of the meeting or the technology being used, please contact the Vice-President Finance & Operations, at vpoperations@utsu.ca.

Meeting Package

Here you will find the meeting package for the UTSU’s next general meeting of the members. This page contains a collection of documents relevant to the coming meeting. Members planning to attend a meeting of the members are strongly encouraged to review the package contents, as various items on the agenda pertain directly to the information inside of them.

The meeting package will be provided via URL prior to Friday April 21st.

The meeting agenda lays out all of the meeting’s activities in the order in which they are to be considered.

The agenda is structured in a manner that is consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR), which is the parliamentary authority of the UTSU, and governs how meetings are conducted at the UTSU (including general meetings). At any point, members may make a “point of information” to the Speaker of the Board if they are unsure about meeting procedure or any other element of the meeting.

For questions regarding the agenda for the meeting, please email the Vice-President Operations at vpoperations@utsu.ca.


What important times and considerations are there to note?

  • Please arrive early before all general meetings
  • There will be brief breaks provided throughout meetings

Where should I go if I have concerns or questions?

If you have any questions about general meetings, please contact the VP Finance & Operations at vpoperations@utsu.ca. For press inquiries, please contact media@utsu.ca.

What types of food and beverage are being served?

This general meeting will be held entirely on Zoom, so no snacks will be served.

Is the online event accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing?

We strive to make our events accessible. Yes, our video calls with Zoom offer live transcription. If you have any concerns or are experiencing any difficulties with accessing our events, please notify a member of UTSU staff or email vpoperations@utsu.ca.