Financial Wellness

Understanding how to manage your finances is an important lifelong skill for just about everyone. With so many students accessing OSAP, learning to budget, planning for unexpected financial circumstances, and building responsible spending habits are key to a healthy financial lifestyle. The UTSU supports students’ financial learning by offering a free annual Tax Clinic, webinars/seminars on financial literacy topics, and easy to use infographics to engage students with financial information. From experiential learning opportunities through participation as a tax clinic volunteer to simply taking advantage of what we have to offer, the UTSU believes that financial literacy is important to students’ future financial success beyond the classroom.

Tax Clinics

Each year, UTSU helps over 600 students file their taxes at its annual tax clinic that provides members with FREE 1-on-1 assistance in filing their income tax returns.

Financial Wellness Workshops

See recordings of financial wellness workshops featuring expert advice for students.