Fees, Budget & Finances

Please note that in order to opt-out of the UTSU Health & Dental Plan, you will need proof of alternate extended health and dental insurance. 

Fees in dollars per average academic year (1 Fall & 1 Winter semester)

UTSU Membership Fee | $21.07
The UTSU provides essential programs, services, and advocacy, dedicated to ensuring accessibility, equity and inclusion of all students in student life. This amount is adjusted each year for inflation.

Student Aid | $3.00
The UTSU recognizes that in addition to tuition, there are several additional costs associated with post-secondary education. To help students mitigate these costs, the UTSU provides assistance to its members who are in financial need. This fund is the UTSU’s most direct strategy for responding to the financial challenges faced by its members, providing students with small emergency grants, tuition and book bursaries. Please visit our Services & Resources menu for more information.

Student Refugee Program | $1.95
The Student Refugee Program (SRP) supports international students fleeing persecution and adverse conditions to continue their studies in Canada. The program helps young refugees cover their tuition and cost of living, providing life-changing opportunities to students new to Canada. SRP students get to continue their education in a safe and supportive environment at U of T and build a better future for themselves and their families. The SRP also plays a critical role in offering day-to-day social and academic support to SRP students.

Student Commons Capital Levy | $16.15
The Student Commons, a student-designed and run student centre, will begin its open in the 2020/21 school year and give University of Toronto students a building to call their own. A 2007 referendum established the Student Commons project, its objectives, and the fee levies that would finance it. This levy is used to plan and finance the student building renovations as well as pay the Annual License Fee and will continue to be collected for 25 years after the building opens.

Student Commons Operating Levy | $7.87
The UTSU Student Commons, a student-designed and run student centre, will begin its opening in the 2020/21 school year. First proposed in the 1960s, this facility will finally give University of Toronto students a building to call their own. A 2007 referendum established the Student Commons project, its objectives, and the fee levies that would finance it. The operating levy is used to finance the student building operating costs such as utilities, building maintenance, custodial services and insurance.

Wheelchair Accessibility Fund | $1.00
The UTSU is committed to creating barrier-free environments and participation in student wellness programming and campus life for all students. The Wheelchair Accessibility Fund provides a variety of capital funding and resources to help students with disabilities, accessibility and accommodation needs more fully participate in all aspects of Student Life. This dedicated Fund allows for accessibility improvements across campus to address immediate challenges and increase access for all students.

Accessibility Resources Fund | $0.50
The Accessibility Resources Fund supports increased access and inclusion in campus life through assistive technologies, grants, and services to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. This fund provides accessibility resources for students with learning disabilities, those who are deaf or hard of hearing, those who are blind or have low vision, and students with mobility limitations, ADHD, or other psychiatric or medical conditions.

Canadian Federation of Students | $8.86
Formed in 1981, the Canadian Federation of Students provides students with an effective and united voice, provincially and nationally, and creates space and opportunity for students across the country and province to join together in creating change and winning victories on and off-campus.

The UTSU administers a Health & Dental Plan for our members, providing some of the best mental health and dental coverage in Canada when compared to other student association plans. 

The Health & Dental Plan fees are charged on a compulsory basis as part of your tuition, although students may opt-out if they are able to provide proof of other extended health insurance coverage. This means that if you’re already covered by an equivalent health and dental plan, such as a parent’s or spouse’s employee benefit plan or a plan provided by your band council or through Health Canada, you can opt-out of this plan.

To learn more about your coverage, how to make a claim, and other details about your plan, please visit the link below.

Health and Dental Benefits | $450.58/year (from Sept. 1 – August 31)
As a full-time undergraduate student, you’re covered by UTSU’s Health & Dental plan. The plan provides full or partial coverage for many services not covered by provincial health care. International students are covered by the UTSU Health Plan and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). The Plan includes such things as medical and paramedical care; preventative and emergency dental care; vision care; prescription drugs; and travel insurance. With proof of insurance, you can opt-out of the health plan, and the fee will be refunded.

The following fees are essential to services the UTSU provides, but are refundable based on how and when they were created. If you wish to opt-out of any of these fees, you may also do so between September 1st to 30th and January 1st to 31st of each year by using the form provided below.

While students are able to opt-out, we ask our members to consider the importance of these services, specifically Dollars for Daycare and the Food Bank. These fees go directly towards supporting members of our community who are in financial need through important programming.

Orientation | $0.50
A wide variety of Orientation initiatives are offered by the UTSU in September and throughout the year to support new and returning students to university. Orientation is your official welcome to campus and helps you connect with campus life, learn about opportunities and meet new people. Come meet other students, discover the different service areas around the campus and enjoy some treats and games to welcome you to U of T. Check out our website for a full calendar of activities all year round!

Daycare Subsidy | $0.53
The Daycare Subsidy helps fund Dollars for Daycare, which offers childcare support and programming for student families, and connects student parents to resources on campus and in Toronto so that they can thrive!

Foster Parents Plan | $0.05
This UTSU fund was set up by students to support the work of Plan International in their work with children and youth in developing countries that lack access to basic necessities, like health care, nutrition and education. This fund helps provide resources young people need to survive and empower them to raise the standard of living for their families and communities.

Radical Roots | $0.15
Radical Roots helps to ensure that our students can concentrate on their studies by working to eliminate student hunger at U of T. This fund purchases food for UTSU’s Food Bank, Vegan Breakfast and “UTSU’s Got You” food pantry and exam snack program.

The following fees are charged by the UTSU on behalf of different levy-collecting groups on campus called Service Groups. These groups provide students with a variety of different services designed to improve your university experience while also benefiting the wider community as a whole.

Along with the fees charged on behalf of these groups are descriptions of the services they provide, as well as links to their respective websites. 

Service Group fees are refundable, and opt-outs are available between September 1st to 30th and January 1st to 31st of each year, mirroring the change of coverage period for the UTSU’s Health & Dental Plan provided by Studentcare. During this period, you can access the opt-out form by visiting the link below.

U of T Blue Sky Solar Racing | $0.13
Blue Sky Solar Racing is a student-run design team that specializes in the design, build and racing of solar-powered race cars. We provide students with the opportunity to grow and develop outside of the classroom in fields like engineering, business, marketing, management, finance among others. The Team also strives to promote sustainable technology and to continue creating innovative products and has the opportunity to represent the University of Toronto on the global stage!

Bikechain | $0.58
Bike chain is an on-campus educational bicycle shop offering a wide range of services including free bicycle rentals for students; a do-it-yourself shop where students can learn to fix their own bicycles with the aid of experienced mechanics; workshops and seminars on bicycle safety and maintenance; and leadership, employment and volunteer opportunities for students. With the support of students, we have taught over 35,000 people how to fix their bikes and ride safely since 2005.

LGBTOUT | $0.25
LGBTOUT is the oldest university-based LGBTQ student advocacy organization in Canada and has served the U of T community for almost half a century (since 1969). Today, LGBTOUT provides a safe and inclusive space, resources, and programming for LGBTQ students, staff, faculty, and community members at U of T. The volunteer-run Drop-In Centre (DIC) is our main hub at which folks can access resources and supplies, peer support, and even fun books for their reading enjoyment!

University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP) | $0.25
The University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP) was established in 1988 as a student group by two U of T medical students, in response to an increased interest in global health on campus. Since then, the identity of the group has been constantly evolving, uniting undergraduates and graduate and professional students across all three campuses at U of T. Our initiatives are always changing, depending on student interest and in response to the changing global health landscape.

Cinema Studies Student Union (CINSSU) | $0.25
The Cinema Studies Student Union represents the voice of undergraduate students enrolled in the Cinema Studies programme at the University of Toronto while promoting and celebrating cinema across the campus through a variety of screenings, events, and academic journals. Run entirely by dedicated undergraduate students who volunteer their time, CINSSU is the centre of cinema on campus.

Downtown Legal Services | $3.56
DLS provides U of T students with free legal advice and support on housing matters (repairs, rent disputes, safety concerns, etc.), employment matters (unpaid wages, wrongful dismissal, etc.) and academic offences & appeals. In addition, we can help with some criminal, family and refugee law matters. We also provide free notary and commissioning services for students (certified true copies, OSAP affidavits, applications for professional licensing exams, etc.)

UTAT Innovation Fund | $2.00
UTAT is an interdisciplinary design team for all U of T students. It runs the world’s only student-funded space program, and will launch the world’s first student-funded satellite in early 2020. All U of T students can submit ideas for the payload of UTAT’s next satellite, giving the student body unprecedented access to space. UTAT also builds drones & rockets, advocates for STEM education across Canada with outreach events, and contributes to policy to make aerospace accessible and useful for all.

Students for Barrier-free Access (SBA) | $1
SBA is a disability justice organization. We advocate for accessible post-secondary education and the removal of barriers. SBA has been instrumental in advocating for improved services for students with disabilities. We run a community drop-in centre and an accessible computer lab that can be used by all students. We offer free workshops and programs for all students including Accessible Event Planning, Accessible Graphic Design, Peer Support and Active Listening workshops, ASL classes.

The Centre for Women and Trans People | $1.5
The Centre is a gender equity organization that offers free events, programs, training, mental health services and volunteer opportunities for students in a family-friendly and trans-inclusive space. We have free wifi, couches, a full kitchen, a food bank, Dr. Chun Resource Library, computers, a nursing corner and health supplies. We host free community cooking, lunches, peer support groups, book clubs, exam de-stressors, self-care workshops, socials and more.

University of Toronto Sexual Education Centre | $0.25
UTSEC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run student group that provides safer sex supplies and services free of charge to the U of T community. Our services include confidential and non-judgemental one-on-one peer and phone support, access to the UTSEC library and resources, referral services, educational presentations, high school talks, and more! Our mission is to provide access to information on all aspects of human sexuality in a comfortable, inclusive and sex-positive environment.

Centre for Social Justice – OPIRG Toronto | $0.50
OPIRG is an intersectional social justice group directed by Undergrad/Grad students at U of T. We seek to empower, educate and engage students by providing free accessible skills-based workshops, research opportunities, access to emergency funds for students, clothing bank, publishing opportunities, social and environmental justice advocacy, opportunities for multi-disciplinary learning, and giving them a space to work cooperatively for social change within academia and the wider community

University of Toronto Environmental Resource Network (UTERN) | $0.50
UTERN is a levy organization that operates as a funding body and networking hub for any person or group within the university community interested in sustainability and environmentalism. Our funding goes toward connecting environmental groups across campus, supporting environmental projects, events, and initiatives, and organizing the annual two-week long Ecofest. Membership is open to all students, faculty, and staff from all three campuses.

The UTSU’s various budgets are forecasts of how the organization plans to allocate its funds and control its spending for the designated time period. The Board of Directors oversees the UTSU’s budgetary planning and control processes. Every year, annual Preliminary and Operating Budgets are implemented after being approved by the Board. The full budgeting process can be found in the UTSU’s Policy Manual under the Budget Policy.

Please send questions or comments to vpoperations@utsu.ca

As part of the UTSU’s ongoing financial reporting process stipulated in the Budget Policy, a profit and loss statement is prepared for the Board of Directors after each quarter of the UTSU’s fiscal year. Profit and loss statements are provided below, appearing as they were presented to the Board of Directors.

Please send questions or comments to vpoperations@utsu.ca