Executive Committee

Shehab Mansour


The President is the chief executive, primary spokesperson, and overall leader of the UTSU. They set the tone and direction of the organization as a whole.

Shehab can be reached at president@utsu.ca

Elizabeth Shechtman


The Vice-President, Operations ensures that the UTSU runs smoothly. They oversee the finances, the services that the UTSU provides to students, and liaises with the general manager in planning and overseeing UTSU’s daily operations.

Elizabeth can be reached at vpoperations@utsu.ca

Avreet Jagdev


The Vice-President Public and University Affairs acts as the chief liaison for affairs with the University of Toronto administration and academic divisions on behalf of the UTSU, as well as the chief liaison to all external organizations alongside the President. They also act as the Interim President in the absence of the President and Vice-President, Operations.

Avreet can be reached at vppua@utsu.ca

Sakeena Mohammad


The Vice-President, Equity advances the interests of students from marginalized communities, organizing campaigns aimed at making U of T a more inclusive, equitable space. They also ensure that the UTSU itself is acting equitably.

Sakeena can be reached at vpequity@utsu.ca

Tala Mehdi

Vice-President Student Life

The Vice-President, Student Life works to improve the social lives of all students. They oversee Orientation and Frost Week and host smaller events throughout the year. They also provide support to student clubs.

Tala can be reached at vpsl@utsu.ca

Erica Nguyen

Vice-President Professional Faculties

The Vice-President, Professional Faculties looks after the needs of professional faculty students, ensuring that they’re represented within the UTSU and working to improve their academic and social lives.

Erica can be reached at vpprofessionalfaculties@utsu.ca