Certificates of Correction

Authority Listing

The Certificates of Correction File contains a listing of all Certificates of Correction for US patent documents and lists the following fields:

Document Number
Publication Date
Kind of Document Code (always "X6")

The Certificates of Correction File is normally updated on a monthly basis.

In addition, layout information for the Certificates of Correction File is provided. Additional information regarding Certificates of Correction can be found on the list at the following location http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/doc/general/correct.htm .

Click here to download the zipped file (last updated June 29, 2024).

Weekly Listing

Weekly listings of published Certificates of Correction are provided below:

Aug 24, 2021

Aug 17, 2021

Aug 10, 2021

Aug 03, 2021

July 27, 2021

The layout information for the weekly listing is as follows.

Certificates of Correction

for Month DD, YYYY

Some contents linked to on this page require a plug-in for ZIP File .