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  • Your Member Benefits

    The USHJA is pleased to bring members unique benefits beyond competitive opportunities. Learn more and take full advantage of all your membership offers.

  • Maintaining a Safe Sport for All

    Learn about resources, requirements and reporting tools that help keep members safe.

  • Guide to Competition Rules

    Access USEF Rulebook, information on new rules, rule proposals, the rulemaking process and other helpful information related to Hunter/Jumper competition.

Welcome to the United States Hunter JumperBPWK2023 Winner Logo (cmyk).jpg Association

The USHJA is the US Equestrian-recognized national affiliate for the Hunter and Jumper disciplines. The USHJA is a competition-based sport organization that serves our members through educational programs, awards and recognition, communication, and rules. We provide a wide array of programs for all Hunter/Jumper levels, and we are mindful of the well-being of our equine partners. Additionally, we are committed to preserving the history of our sport, and through our Foundation we support charitable and benevolent services.


As a member of the USHJA, you have access to a number of great benefits and are part of an exceptional community of Hunter/Jumper equestrians. 

Latest News

More than 140 equestrians representing 55 stables across nine USHJA Zones put their horsemanship knowledge to the test this year…
The Marshall+Sterling Insurance/USHJA National Championships will return to the South Point Hotel, Casino, & Spa in Las Vegas,…
Riders from Zone 3 and 4 took to the podiums in the second annual USHJA 1.00/1.05m Junior/Amateur Zone Jumper Championships at…


An Overview