Give your most important stakeholders a voice

Connect UserVoice with your Zendesk account to empower your Customer Support team to give customers a voice by seamlessly passing along context-rich feedback without interrupting existing workflows.
Talk to a Product Expert

Surface common customer problems and identify feature gaps with UserVoice and Zendesk

Ensure your customers’ needs are heard

Support teams can effortlessly capture customer feedback and pass it to UserVoice from within Zendesk. Feedback is associated with the customer who shared it so you can understand the whole story.

Eliminate the feedback black hole

Don’t leave your internal teams in the dark! Enable your Support team to subscribe to automatic updates on the status of specific ideas.

Deepen customer relationships

Your Support team plays a critical role in making sure customers are heard. When a customer takes the time to point out feature gaps or usability issues UserVoice helps make implicit feedback tangible.

Want to learn more before giving us a spin?
Check out what some cutting-edge Product Managers are doing with UserVoice.