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USCP Starts Body Worn Camera Pilot Program

March 18, 2024

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is starting a 180-day body worn camera pilot program today to protect the officers, promote de-escalation tactics, build public trust and enhance service to the Congress and the community. 

The pilot program’s 70 volunteer officers mostly work outside of the Congressional Buildings because they have more interactions with the public. 11 USCP cruisers are also being outfitted with dashboard cameras.

“I was confident that the cameras would do two things. First, they would remind the public just how challenging the law enforcement profession can be,” said U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger. “Second, the cameras would also showcase the great work our cops do day in and day out. This is a great accountability tool for everyone.”

U.S. Capitol Police body worn camera

The cameras will record public interactions requiring a police response. Officers will manually turn on their body worn cameras when they are taking law enforcement action. When practical, officers will inform anyone if they are being recorded at the beginning of the interaction. The cameras will automatically record video and audio when officers pull out their firearms or Tasers. The dashboard cameras will automatically record when the cruiser’s emergency lights are activated.

Body camera video will be treated the same as Capitol surveillance video. To protect the Constitutional duties of Member of Congress, the cameras are not intended to be used inside the Congressional Buildings or during interactions with Members of Congress.

After the pilot program the USCP Body Worn Camera Taskforce, which is made up of sworn & civilian supervisors throughout the Department, will use feedback to analyze the program. Based on that review, Chief Tom Manger will send a recommendation about a permanent body worn camera program to the USCP’s Congressional Stakeholders.

U.S. Capitol Police officer wearing a body worn camera