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Subject Threatened U.S. Capitol Police Officers

March 22, 2007
United States Capitol PoliceChief Phillip D. Morse, Sr
Public Information Office
119 D Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20510Immediate
(202) 224-1677March 22, 2007 @ 6:00 p.m.

Michael Smith came to the attention of the USCP when a complainant advised that he had made threatening comments that he would come to the US Capitol and force an armed confrontation with US Capitol Police Officers. That information was transmitted to officers so that they could take appropriate action in the event he attempted to carry out his plans. The USCP Criminal Investigations Division initiated an investigation in conjunction with the FBI who was also interested in Smith in an unrelated criminal matter. Based upon the information obtained by the USCP, the FBI was able to secure a search warrant for his residence, that was served today.

If there are any questions please contact the United States Capitol Police Public Information Office at 202-224-1677.

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Prepared by:
Sergeant Kimberly Schneider
United States Capitol Police
Public Information Officer