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Coral Reefs

Coral reefs under siege: Frequency of bleaching has increased almost fivefold since the '80s

Doyle Rice
A researcher from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies surveys the bleached and dead corals at Zenith Reef off the coast of Australia in November 2016.

The world's coral reefs are under siege from global warming, according to a new study published Thursday in the journal Science.

Worldwide, the frequency of severe coral bleaching events has increased nearly fivefold in the past four decades, from once every 25 to 30 years in the early 1980s to once every six years in 2016, the study suggests.  

Almost every coral reef on the planet has been affected by bleaching: "Our results show that 94% of tropical reefs have already bleached severely, by an average of three times, since 1980," said study lead author Terry Hughes of the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. "The remaining 6% has also bleached, but less severely so far." 

Warmer, more acidic ocean water is the cause of the bleaching, Pieter Tans, chief greenhouse gas scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said last year. The bleaching occurs when algae that live inside and nourish coral, which provides their brilliant colors, wither from the warming waters and die, leaving behind white coral skeletons.

"Coral bleaching is a stress response caused by exposure of coral reefs to elevated ocean temperatures," said study co-author Andrew Baird, also of the Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. "When bleaching is severe and prolonged, many of the corals die." 

Hughes said that coral is the backbone of reefs as it provides an essential habitat for fish and many other species, adding that the decline of corals threatens the entire ecosystem.

Researchers measured the rate of coral bleaching at locations throughout the tropics over the past four decades. They found a dramatic shortening of the gap between bleaching events, which not only harms the ecosystems but also livelihoods of many millions of people, the study said. 

In fact, coral reefs are critically important to both societies and economies around the world. In Australia, for instance, the Great Barrier Reef alone supports a vibrant tourism industry that's worth about $5 billion per year, Hughes noted.

Bleaching events are increasingly taking place regardless of natural warmer or cooler cycles such as El Niño or La Niña. "Before the 1980s, mass bleaching of corals was unheard of, even during strong El Niño conditions, but now repeated bouts of regional-scale bleaching and mass mortality of corals has become the new normal around the world as temperatures continue to rise," Hughes said.

Tropical sea temperatures are warmer today during cooler-than-average La Niña conditions than they were 40 years ago during El Niño periods.

While the western Atlantic began to warm and experience bleaching more frequently than other regions at first, the risk of bleaching events has increased most strongly over time in Australasia and in the Middle East, the study said.

It's not too late to protect corals from severe climate change, the study authors said, if the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide can be curtailed.

"The future condition of reefs, and the ecosystem services they provide to people, will depend critically on the trajectory of global emissions," the study concludes.

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