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PayPal working with Anti-Defamation League on research into funding for extremist groups

Portrait of Brett Molina Brett Molina

Corrections & clarifications: This story has been corrected to clarify the research will focus on how extremist groups raise funds.

PayPal is collaborating with the Anti-Defamation League on research aimed at exploring how extremist or hate groups are funded.

In a statement Monday, ADL said the research will look into how extremist or hate movements use financial platforms to fund their activities.

Both that organization and PayPal say the results of their research will be shared within the financial industry, policymakers and law enforcement.

"By identifying partners across sectors with common goals and complementary resources, we can make an even greater impact than any of us could do on our own,"  Aaron Karczmer, chief risk officer and executive vice president of risk and platforms at PayPal, said in a statement.

PayPal says it will pass on the results of research into extremism.

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As part of the initiative, PayPal and ADL will form a coalition with civil rights organizations to protect marginalized communities from extremism.

"We have a unique opportunity to further understand how hate spreads and develop key insights that will inform the efforts of the financial industry, law enforcement, and our communities in mitigating extremist threats," ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement.

As larger financial platforms such as PayPal crack down on funding, extremist groups find new ways to raise money, including the increased use of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. 

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @brettmolina23.

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